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Jasper comes from the Greek “iaspis” and “jaspidem”, which means “speckled stone”.


Note that there are several types of jasper detailed in the links below:


Dalmatian jasper

Kambala Jasper

Spider Web Jasper

Jasper Landscape

Jasper Picasso

Blood Jasper


Group of belonging: Microcrystalline quartz, its chemical composition is Silicon dioxide SiO2


Hardness: Between 6.5 and 7.


The deposits are located in Germany, Brazil, United States, France, India, Madagascar, Urals, Russia.


Crystal system: Rhombohedral.


Colors: All colors. The jasper can include: geometric figures, speckles, spots, clouds, welts.





In prehistoric times, this stone was used to design tools. In France and for these purposes, we can find jasper from Brittany or jasper from Fontmaure.

Later in the Middle Ages, many Christians baptized the red jasper stone: the “stone of martyrs” and used it to dramatize the crucifixion. Also, this stone has been used a lot for the design of cups, decoration of religious buildings and other religious ornaments.



Physical virtues:


Stone which gives off low energy and therefore must be worn for a long time.
It helps relieve digestion and constipation.
The red jasper stimulates the reproductive organs and allows menstruation without pain.
It reduces bleeding, regulates the liver.
Yellow jasper is indicated for the spleen and pancreas.

Placed as an amulet on the thighs of women, the red jasper was supposed to help women give birth, preventing hemorrhages.
Because of its red color, doctors prescribed powdered red jasper on the wounds to stop the bleeding.



Psychic virtues:


She would be endowed with magic powers and for these to act, it would be necessary to constantly carry the jasper on oneself in order to balance the sorrows, to develop its own esteem and to develop internally, to position and take its place with the others, would not be -that through communication. The jasper stone can be worn through a pendant of red Jasper, or thanks to pearls being directly in contact with the skin such as a necklace of landscape Jasper, or a bracelet of red Jasper. The jasper allows you to work according to the different colors it offers and connects directly to the colors of the chakras.

Jasper stone in lithotherapy therefore has properties and virtues that can vary depending on its color, namely:

- The landscape jasper: It helps the being to meditate and helps develop creativity.

- Green jasper: It offers harmony and balance to the wearer.

- The green spotted red jasper: It helps to treat the pain of the heart and to overcome passions.

- Red jasper: It has an important energy, in particular on female sexuality (Pain relief, Stimulation of organs). It allows transit to work better by acting directly on the liver, pancreas, spleen and stomach. It can also be worn by people with epilepsy.

- Yellow jasper: It acts on the pancreas and on the liver just like red jasper, and also acts on the urinary system.

- The jasper pop: It allows to overcome the difficulties known and occurred during childhood.

- Black jasper: Commonly called “Lydienne”, black jasper is a very protective stone.










Salt distilled water.



Charge :







Aries, scorpion.

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