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Kambala Jasper


Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide SiO2

Hardness: 6.5 - 7

Chakra: Solar plexus and heart chakra

Crystal system: Rhombohedral

Origin: Madagascar

Purification: water, incense, in amethyst geode.

Recharging: in Quartz geode, in the sun.

Signs: Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius.


Jasper Kambala anchors and protects from negative influences, it fills our bodies with the energies of nature. It stabilizes the aura and cleanses it from accumulated negative energies. It calms the mind, soothes emotional troubles, brings peace and tranquility, as well as a deep and peaceful sleep. It helps us get back to basics. It helps people whose hearts have been hurt by rejection or abandonment. It helps to love yourself and to love others. It strengthens the immune system, the digestive system and purifies the body of toxins.


Kambaba Jasper has the same properties as Orbicular Jasper, but with greater effectiveness on the emotional trauma accumulated during our Life Cycles. Placed on the Heart, it will relieve the Pain related to the feeling of abandonment, which we can feel.

Whatever its variety, Jasper is a sedimentary rock, it is an excellent anchor stone. It brings Serenity and Unity, helps to create cohesion within a group. It is often described as the Supreme Protector because it protects and Cleans the Aura of its wearer from low vibrations.

Green Jaspers, on the other hand, often have anti-inflammatory properties and greatly promote digestion by reducing the inflammation caused by certain foods or various aggressive substances.

The orbicular jasper is a stone that would facilitate the acceptance of responsibility and instill patience. It would have an action against discouragement as well as crises of uncertainty. The energetic virtues of the orbital jasper in rejuvenation are just beginning to be studied. This variety of jasper would have the quality of acting at the cellular level, where various shocks would have disturbed "the intelligence of the body" (its initial programming), to help restore information.

The Kambaba Jasper is one of the rare stones to open the heart chakra backwards. We then learn to fully accept what we are and to trust ourselves on our self-healing capacities. It is all the more a great support for those who constantly care for others while forgetting themselves. This stone is useful for those who feel fragile and feel the need to regenerate from the heart. It is fundamental to always keep in mind that the best protection is to stay centered and balanced, and that the safest place we all have is the center of our heart.



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