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List of properties

the most common minerals


ONE-BORN AGATE: Anti-stress, it is effective in calming anger and anxiety. It promotes sleep. Particularly effective in acting on problems related to the digestive system, it is also known to help solve skin problems. Beneficial for the sportsmen by its action on the pains of articulation and muscular, in particular on the level of the knees.


BOTSWANA AGATE : Generally, agates are soothing stones. For medium and large rooms, they are to be placed in an environment where the atmosphere could be tense. As for the Botswana agate, magnificent by its drawings and colors, it can help us to release some buried emotions, conscious or not (sacred chakra). In this way, by its great softness, this agate brings us comfort.


FIRE AGATE: Anchor stone, creativity and protection against curses. On the 1st chakra for a better connection to earth energy (being more present in the material world and having more energy in the body). On the 2nd chakra, develop creativity and harmonize sexual energy. Relaxing, soothing, it is ideal for the nervous system.


FOAM AGATE (dendritic) : Also called "dendritic agate", which sometimes, by its pronounced designs can evoke foam. Useful for the heart chakra, because it allows you to connect to the love of Mother Earth. Ideal stone for the depressed, it gives back interest to life. Harmonizes uterine functions (sacral chakra). The resorption of warts would be possible with the foam agate (to be applied on the concerned area).


INDIAN AGATE: Soothing and relaxing, it will also help you channel your emotions and your anger. It enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for students and artists. It is also known as a stone of good luck. As a stone of harmony, one of the things agate does is balance yin/yang energy. It increases energy. However, because it is a base stone, it does not increase energy all the time, but rather allows bursts of energy when needed. In this way, agate is a conservation stone and improves longevity. It gives courage, emotional strength, self-confidence and dispels fears. In the same way, it helps in the acceptance of all things. It can be very beneficial for self-examination as well as examination of the circumstances in which one finds oneself. These qualities make agate the best stone for relieving anxiety and stress. Particularly when placed on the solar plexus (3rd) chakra, it can aid in accepting one's emotions, thus helping to overcome the emotions one wants to suppress.


SAKURA AGATE: Also known as Cherry Blossom Agate, it encourages growth and flourishing. It is a very soft stone that could calm and soothe your mind to give you a sense of inner peace. It helps to reduce negative thoughts but also negative emotions such as stress or anxiety. Also beneficial for self-expression, it will help you to affirm everything that is on your heart with greater ease. Promotes introspection, gentleness, wisdom, compassion, sincerity and forgiveness. Excellent for digestion, it also brings its benefits to the lymphatic system as well as to the pancreas.

Relieves inflammation, mainly those located in the eyes or stomach. It will also be able to protect you from blood problems, in particular by acting positively on the blood vessels and by promoting good circulation. Finally, it would also have positive effects on the bladder, the small intestine and the colon.


AGATE TURQUOISE: Calms anxieties and develops concentration. Brings positivity to the problems of everyday life. Helps drive away bad thoughts and calm anger.


DRAGON VEIN AGATE: Helps to discover and develop one's hidden talents. Encourages more intellectual curiosity while promoting the learning of new knowledge. It is also very beneficial to the faculties of memory and concentration. Helps to get rid of complexes and helps to accept yourself as you are. It would also make it possible to show more honesty towards oneself and towards others while promoting the gain of self-confidence.

Encouraging wisdom and prosperity, dragon vein agate is a great ally for achieving a calm and serene life. It could bring you mental strength and dynamism while allowing you to lower your stress level. Strongly connected to the venous system, it is an excellent stone for blood circulation and the relief of disorders related to the circulatory system. It would also have very good effects on the lymphatic system.

It would also be very interesting to help treat intestinal problems such as gastroenteritis, constipation or diarrhea.


AQUA MARINE : Allergies and irritations of the throat (chakra n ° 5) - Placed on the nape of the neck to help rest and relieve neck pain - On the jaw for dental pain - Thyroid - Immune system - decongests the sinuses (3rd eye) - Allergic colds - Facilitates: communication, song, oral expression - Strengthens maternal instincts - Facilitates creative, literary and artistic expression. Develop psychic gifts (3rd eye).


AMAZONITE : Fight against depressive tendencies - Sexual deficiencies linked to strong emotions - Refines feelings of tenderness towards a loved one, feeling of happiness, soothes frustrations and reinforces yin behaviors (heart chakra). Natural expression of tenderness with sweetness and truth of love speech (throat chakra).


AMBER: Help in a slimming diet - Strengthens the electrical flow of the nervous system - Influenza, colds, sore throat and protects the respiratory tract - Soothes asthma attacks (associated with iron pyrite) and dental pain, including those babies. Calm redness and skin irritation in children (heart chakra) - Brings energy, cheerfulness, fights fatigue and anxiety, calms depressive and suicidal tendencies, relieves stomach aches (solar plexus chakra) - Sexual stimulant (chakra sacred) - Fevers and migraines (3rd eye). To place on between the pubis and the navel of the baby to remove diaper rashes due to tooth growth.


AMETHYST : Stone spiritual devolution par excellence (stone of the bishop, of the druid, of the shaman and of the brahmin), corresponds to the coronal chakra. Extremely powerful and protective against psychic attacks - Brings serenity - Calming and soothing (fears, anxieties) - Blocks geopathic stress - Help in detachment from addictions (alcohol, tobacco, coffee, drugs, ...) - Headache (chakra 3rd eye and coronal) - Fevers (root chakra) - Gastric and liver pains (chakra plexus) - Helps to reduce burns (placed nearby) - Hunts obsessive thoughts - Relaxes the muscles of the neck and shoulders - Calms anger , anxiety, hysteria (3rd eye chakra and plexus) - Soothes gout attacks (root chakra) - Stone of wisdom and humility - Promotes spiritual elevation, concentration and meditation - Protects against recurring nightmares - Helps to remember dreams and understand their meaning - Promotes hair regrowth (elixir) - Arthritis pain (in the affected area).


AMETRINE: Resumes the properties of amethyst and citrine - Eliminates the negativity found in the aura and toxins of the physical body - Purifies the blood and recharges it in energy - Strengthens the immune system - Stabilizes DNA / RNA - Treats chronic fatigue syndrome - Soothes many stress-related problems: Liver, pancreas, digestive tract - Dyslexia - Calms emotions - Limits adrenaline rushes, etc. - Spiritual engagement.


ANGELITE (Anhydrite): Stone of awareness. Represents peace and brotherhood (heart chakra). It facilitates contact with the kingdom of angels. Develops telepathy and facilitates extracorporeal trips (3rd eye). Help affirm your own truth (throat chakra). Reduces anger (solar chakra). Helps to develop activities where logical reasoning is required. Alleviates inflammation of the throat and thyroid (throat chakra).


APATITIS: Apatite strengthens the muscles and reduces nervous tension. To wear in case of spasmophilia and tetany crisis. Calm cramps. Reduces stuttering and language problems (throat chakra). Strengthens extrasensory capacities, stimulates listening skills, in this way it facilitates access to knowledge and increases creativity (3rd eye chakra). Reduce hypertension, stimulate muscle tissue, increase clearing of the mind and help the circulatory system absorb calcium. For osteoarthritis, the flexibility of the body and to keep its vital force. For immunity, muscles, warts, dizziness and lack of balance. For good family relations, stuttering, self-confidence and to overcome troubles. To be more extroverted, to communicate more easily, to strengthen your motivations.


APOPHYLITE: Unlike rock crystal tips, apophyllite has only four sides to leu of 6. For colorless apophyllite: It promotes telepathy, memory, clears up ideas and stimulates intellectual faculties (3rd eye). To perform an introspection of his deep Self, associate it with an obsidian celestial eye (rainbow). For two distant people wishing to experience the development of telepathy, on the 3rd eye, affix one point outwards (emission) and the other in an inverted position for reception. Ideal stone for astral travel, associated with an anchor stone like black tourmaline, shungite or black obsidian, at the level of the basic chakra. For the green apophyllite: To direct the energy of love towards a deficient or sick organ (heart chakra). The green apophyllite brings a freshness and a current of energy which can be directed on the acupuncture points and meridians. The energy of this stone is excellent for relieving bronchi, lungs and various respiratory disorders.


ARAGONITE: Stone for bone structure par excellence. Acts on the entire skeleton and teeth. Fractures recalcify faster (chakra # 1). The twins of aragonite crystals that radiate like a star, are to be used on the heart chakra to center the skeleton from an energy point of view. Teach patience, soothe anxious and hypersensitive. Allows you to focus on yourself before a meditation.


AURALITE 23: With a strong vibration, auralite 23 brings us an Earth-sky alignment, in order to better live its incarnation while remaining connected to our celestial origin. We can conclude that this mineral is present to help our soul to better live its earthly experience in divine unity. To be used both on the root chakra (connection-Earth) and coronal (connection-sky).


AVENTURINE ORANGE & RED : The properties of orange aventurine are similar to those of orange carnelian. The confusion between these two stones is therefore possible. It contains a certain amount of iron brought by hematite, which gives it this orange and sometimes red color. Like its counterpart, this aventurine harmonizes the sacred chakra, rebalancing the sexual sphere from the point of view of Yin-Yang (feminine-masculine) energies. It is for this reason that it is completely indicated, during sexual frustration or lack of libido. Still on this same chakra, it reconnects us to our creative power and the energy of the kidneys. For the red version, it is a very good anchor stone.


AVENTURINE GREEN : harmonizes and strengthens the heart chakra - Immune system - Transforms negative energy into positive and encourages renewal and creativity - Juvenile acne (heart chakra) - Calms anger and strengthens "Self Control" (throat chakra) - Creative prosperity.


AZURITE: Azurite is recommended for overworked people by calming the mind (slowing down the little bike that continues, even in pause mode). Allows you to use your mind wisely by developing creativity. Spiritual stone, it facilitates meditation and extracorporeal journeys in order to go beyond appearances. Helps with concentration, memory and seeing more clearly through your thoughts to better manage your emotions.


AZURITE-MALACHITE: Resuming the properties of azurite and malachite. Azurite is recommended for overworked people by calming the mind (slowing down the small bike that continues, even in pause mode). Allow your mind to be used wisely by developing creativity. Spiritual stone, it facilitates meditation and extracorporeal journeys in order to go beyond appearances. Helps with concentration, memory and seeing more clearly through your thoughts to better manage your emotions. Malachite regulates circulation and stimulates the immune system (heart chakra). Absorbs negative energies causing pain (hematoma, fracture, sprain, rheumatism, stomach, appendicitis, etc.). Reduces (or even resolves) joint inflammation, arthritis, arthritis. To place on the painful part for a prolonged period, because the malachite contains copper and that this last is anti-inflammatory. Toxic in elixir. Effective in massage with a wand in energized oil. Releases retained emotions.


FOSSILIZED WOOD (or silicified wood): Fossilized wood may have taken nearly 200 million years to turn into stone, by the slow infiltration of silicon dioxide (quartz) through its fibers. A long natural process that connects us to the earth and anchors us more intensely in everyday life. A better grounding allows you to be more confident, less dreamy and much more focused on your goals. Very interesting stone for the heads in the air. Fossilized wood can be associated with compatibility with other grounding stones, such as black tourmaline, shungite, etc. Associated Chakras: Sun and Root


BLUE CHALCEDONY: Inflammation of the larynx, expression, hoarseness and stuttering (throat chakra) - Protection against intoxication (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc. on the 3rd eye) - Diffuses soothed emotions, soothes sorrows, calms people overworked and restless (3rd eye) - For aggressive or irritable people, against irony and verbal provocation (throat chakra) - Overcoming shyness through easier expression.


BLUE CALCITE: In general, calcite promotes the assimilation of calcium, is useful for dissipating dental pain, strengthening fragile bones and reducing digestion difficulties. Blue calcite soothes mental confusion and clarifies the mind. Very soft stone to learn about spiritual development and relaxation. Calms stress and anxiety when our mind gets too big (3rd eye chakra). To associate with a rose quartz which will be placed on the chakra of the heart. Promotes the clear expression of thoughts and feelings by daring to say what one feels with authenticity and gentleness (throat chakra).


YELLOW CALCITE: In general, calcite promotes the assimilation of calcium, is useful for dissipating dental pain, strengthening fragile bones and reducing digestion difficulties. Yellow calcite strengthens the will, self-confidence and makes it easier to move forward with more determination. Improves the digestive sphere (solar chakra). She would cheer herself up by taking it as an elixir. Facilitates meditation by generating a great state of relaxation, in contact with the source (crown chakra). Stimulates the higher mind (3rd eye chakra).


ORANGE CALCITE: For convalescents, combats physical and psychological suffering (solar plexus or on the area concerned) - Sexual stimulant and unblocks blockages. Acceptance of physical contact and caresses (sacral chakra).


OPTICAL CALCITY (Spar from Iceland): Promotes telepathy, astral travel, the gift of double vision and decodes the hidden meaning of words during ambiguous speech (3rd eye) - Can be paired with another stone on the 3rd eye , between the skin and the second stone.


CELESTINE: Tissue regeneration, promotes communication (throat chakra) - Soothes anxiety, regulates breathing and energizes the lungs after lung disease, brings tenderness to singles (heart chakra) - Promotes mental activities, clarifies ideas, valuable aid during extracorporeal travel, facilitates meditation and connection to the energy of the divine mother, Colds, Rhinitis, Sinusitis (3rd eye).


CHALCOPYRTITE (copper pyrite): Fungicidal properties, in aseptic elixirs on the affected area - Soothes attacks of cystitis (solar plexus) - Liveliness of mind and more lively reflexes. Facilitates intellectual work and memory (3rd eye) - Very spiritual, promotes relationships with celestial forces (3rd eye) - Can be associated with amethyst, azurite or tanzanite.


CHAROITE: Immune system, Restructuring and strengthening of the cardiac muscle (heart chakra) - Fever (coronal chakra) - Obsessions, obsessive compulsive disorder. Sense of observation, capacity for analysis and synthesis. Introspection through dreams, Develops the sense of smell, purifies the sinuses, Deep sleep. A stone of great wisdom containing intuitive knowledge. In meditation, opens to creative intuition and exacerbates extrasensory qualities. Autism and Bipolar Disorder (3rd Eye) - Prostate (Sacral Chakra) - Treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas.


CHRYSOCOLLA: Hoarseness, sore throat, sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis (throat chakra) - Menstrual pain and cystitis (sacral and heart chakra) - Back pain (solar plexus) - Strengthens friendship and understanding while hunting negative influences. Promotes tolerance and forgiveness (placed in a room) - Facilitates understanding and dialogue, communication stone (throat chakra).


CHRYSOPRASE: Regulates blood pressure, calms and slightly reduces epileptic seizures (heart chakra) - Arthritis and rheumatism (to be placed on the areas concerned) - Problems related to the testicles, ovaries, fallopian tube, prostate (sacral chakra) - Facilitates childbirth, self-confidence; Calms the digestive system (solar chakra) - Reinforces the communication associated with chalcedony (throat chakra) - Stone of relaxation, relaxation while promoting sleep, therefore ideal against heart problems; Releases the emotions and heals the inner child (heart chakra).


CITRINE: Solar stone which radiates on all planes. It radiates the joy that is in everyone and activates good humor. Purifier of the chakras, strong action on the solar plexus and on the sacred. Citrine puts the ego in its rightful place, calms its excesses. It activates the crown chakra and opens intuition. It is a crystal that attracts abundance in all its forms, prosperity and the success of projects. It develops self-respect and self-confidence. It strengthens the physical and higher spirit, as well as concentration. It helps to overcome fears and phobias.


CORDIERITE: Also called iolite, it acts particularly on sleep and spirituality. it is also recommended in case of relational conflicts, whether romantic or family. It helps to heal invisible wounds and illuminates the road that leads to new material perspectives. It helps to resolve liver disorders, it is also a more generally detoxifying stone, and therefore recommended for people suffering from addictions. It is useful in case of bacterial or viral invasion and strengthens the immune system.


CORNALINE: (sard, carnelian): Calms strong emotions (sacral chakra) by combining it with a pink quartz or other pink stone on the heart chakra. Absorbs negative energies generating sterility, impotence and frigidity. Calms angry people (solar plexus). Acts on the entire genital sphere by re-harmonizing the sacral chakra and promotes creativity in all its forms on a daily basis. Also on the sacral chakra, this reactivates the energy of the kidneys and therefore useful when one feels great fatigue, because in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the main energy center of the body. Avoid for people with high blood pressure.


RED RABBIT HAIR CRYSTAL: Helps with mental well-being, and promotes self-confidence. Due to its shimmering color, it brings joie de vivre and cheerfulness. It wards off negative energy. Effective for helping blood circulation as well as for disorders of the respiratory system.


ROCK CRYSTAL (hyaline quartz): Can be used on all chakras and can be programmed. Receives information, transmits it and amplifies it. Combined with another stone, amplifies the properties of the latter. Wear it to boost your energy and your subtle bodies. Connect to the most subtle spiritual planes during meditation. Not recommended for people with psychological disorders. Nature, trees, plants and the resulting beings worship crystal, which can be a means of communication between them and man. He has the ability to empty the mind and see beyond things.


DOLOMITE: Soothes fevers and headaches, facilitates digestion, action on the organs: liver, kidneys and intestines (solar chakra). It relieves cramps and relaxes paralyzed muscles.


DUMORTIERITE: Properties similar to lapis lazuli and sodalite. Acts longer if you wear it very often - Activates the laryngeal chakra for better communication - Action on the thyroid gland - Reduces fever and dispels headaches, neuralgia - Enlightens the mind for a better understanding of the world that surrounds us surrounds - Link between soul and matter to help us stay on our path, the one that leads us to the realization of our mission of incarnation (3rd eye).


EMERALD: Stone of the light bearer (the pope wears one), brings peace, calm and harmony between the physical, emotional and mental planes - Immune system, blood diseases, preventive actions on the cardiovascular system (heart chakra) - Sphere digestive, pancreas, liver (solar chakra) - Eyes (direct application of the stone or the elixir). To be used in addition to curative treatments such as: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombosis, cardiovascular accidents, etc.). Associated with rose quartz, kunzite, it relieves emotional suffering. In contact with other stones, it loses its properties.


FLUORITE (or fluorite): Helps children who lose their first teeth and regulates the upper digestive system: salivary glands, esophagus (throat chakra) - Excellent for athletes, improving muscle tone and better eliminating toxins (solar chakra) - Structures the mind while promoting creativity. Very useful for researchers. Green fluorite: Love, compassion, regulates the cardiovascular and immune system (heart chakra). Violet fluorite: Spirituality, dreams, intuitions, access to wisdom.


FUSCHITE RUBY: Inclusions of ruby amplify all the properties of fuschite - Stabilizes the rate of red and white blood cells (heart chakra) - Softens the muscles (heart chakra) - Useful in case of carpal tunnel syndrome - Soothes anger (solar chakra) - Develop knowledge in the field of healing (in meditation) - Succeed in research in dowsing related to the Earth.


GALENA: For those who lack balance (around the ears and base chakra). Promotes the reduction of rashes and helps hair regrowth. Very good anchor stone to be more aware of the present moment (base chakra). Brings intellectual balance (3rd eye). Toxic stone not to be used in elixir, because it contains lead. Wash your hands well after each use and keep out of reach of young children who may put it in their mouths.


GARNET: Highly re-energizing and regenerating stone - Purifies the chakras, recharges and revitalizes them - Stimulates the controlled ascent of Kundalini - Inspires love and devotion - Balances sexual desires and soothes emotional disharmonies linked to the sacral chakra - Disorders of the heart, blood pressure and blood circulation (heart chakra) - For cold hands and feet, heavy legs (in elixir) - Stimulates the metabolism - Treats spinal and cellular disorders - Purifies and recharges the blood with energy, the heart and the lungs - Regenerates DNA - Helps to assimilate mineral substances and vitamins.


HELIOTROPE (blood stone): Reduces toxins and improves blood circulation (heart chakra). Purifies the liver, kidneys and spleen (basic and sacral chakras). Promotes bladder function and relieves urinary tract pain. Reduces varicose veins by gently massaging them daily. Solves hemorrhoids by applying it on the base chakra, associated with hematite. Good grounding stone and gives more momentum and vitality to daily tasks (base chakra). Better memorize dreams and develop an olfactory sense (3rd eye chakra).


HEMATITE (Bloodstone): Improves blood circulation, dispels bruises on the body and promotes healing of wounds. Very yang stone, gives self-confidence and allows you to better position yourself in life. Reharmonizes the energy balance of the body, when it is dominated by an excess of yin (feminine energy). Releases blocked energy in the body (base chakra). Very rich in iron and stimulates its absorption into the blood. Highly recommended during the menstrual cycle to limit the fatigue felt during this period. Used during astral travel, it protects the soul and allows it to enter its body more easily.


HYPERSTHENE: Stone of communication, it facilitates any exchange at work, whatever the field. It allows you to align your priorities between work, family and home. Placed on the chakra of the heart it allows to develop the aptitude essential to any relationship. It also helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence in the face of positive and negative criticism, so it is easier to convince your interlocutor by using honest, calm and confident words. Faced with a serene attitude, the interlocutor loses his susceptibility and his annoyance. Discussions are calm and constructive. Rich in magnesium, it effectively fights muscle and tendon pain. Friend of athletes, it helps drain toxins from the body and deeply cleans each organ of the digestive system. Its ferritin content supports the body's activity in case of disorders of the blood system. The urinary and reproductive systems are also supported (ovaries and prostate).


CHRYSOCOLLE LAPIS: calming, helps to show tolerance. It boosts creativity, and is very useful for increasing one's communication skills. Very effective in the fight against bronchitis and angina, it is also particularly beneficial for all rheumatism and joint problems.


HERKIMER CRYSTAL (“Herkimer diamond”): The Herkimer Crystal Diamond (or quartz diamond) originates from the Herkimer mine in New York State in the United States. This Crystal has the particularity of being bi-finished, reminiscent of the diamond by its purity and its great luminosity. It should in no way be likened to a diamond, itself composed of carbon, unlike the silicon dioxide constituting this Herkimer crystal. Properties: powerful crystal for harmonizing and purifying the chakras. Refines psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, vision on the subtle planes (3rd eye chakra). Promotes dream memory and understanding. Blocks geopathic stress (energy pollution of the place where we are). Protects against radioactive pollution and treats diseases related to this radiation. Improves sleep following geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution. Helps to remember past lives.


HOWLITE: Elasticity of the skin (heart chakra) - Decreases water retention - Soothes emotions - Moderates negative instincts. Expression of emotions in gentleness and love.


JADE NEPHRITIS: As the name suggests, this stone is effective in treating the kidneys, urinary system and adrenal glands, producing adrenaline. In Chinese medicine, the energy of the kidneys is paramount, hence the importance of this stone. Helps eliminate kidney stones (renal colic) as well as cystitis and incontinence. Can help young children and the elderly at night. Nephrite jade calms the enthusiasm of people who spend too much and tend to buy compulsively.


CHINESE JADE: Beautiful stone for relaxation and calming stress and emotions (heart chakra). Promotes intuitive dreams (3rd eye chakra). Like nephrite jade, it regulates kidney energy. Renowned in China for the treatment of renal colic and stones. Protective stone, symbol of purity and serenity. This stone would promote pregnancy through better fertilization (sacral chakra).


RAINBOW JADE: Stimulates the immune system, soothes the mind, protects against negative energies, acts on the heart and the lungs, it strengthens the mental faculties and helps with proper reasoning.

          Each color has its particularity:

          - Black: ability to protect against negative or harmful energies, whether physical or mental.

          - Blue: inner peace and reflection. It is very useful for encouraging dreams and visions.

          - Lavender: spiritual support. It heals emotional pain while nurturing on a spiritual level. This jade vibrates at the highest ethereal level.

          - Orange: promotes the joy that can be obtained through connections with all living beings.

          - Mauve: is focused on the aura. Happiness and cheerfulness are brought about with this jade as it eliminates negativity and supports a higher level of discernment.

          - Red: to a link with the life force. The use of red jade reduces fears as it encourages action and strengthens life force energy.

           - White: allows you to concentrate better. Using white jade reduces distractions to allow for better understanding of useful and relevant information. It improves the decision-making process.

           - Green: can bring a positive attitude towards money, and it will make you visualize yourself working, earning and using money deliberately and creatively.


LEMON JASPE: Enables social development. It will identify fake friends and then help get them out of your life. In addition, he would provide great emotional support during tragic events.

It allows you to develop greater self-esteem while helping to drive out insecurities. It spreads good vibrations that help attract luck, prosperity and good fortune if you are looking to achieve abundance.

Brings the motivation, the will and the courage necessary to overcome the various challenges that may come your way. By promoting concentration and clarity of mind, this stone is ideal for those looking to improve their productivity.

Beneficial to the stomach as well as various organs such as the spleen, pancreas and liver. Helps the body cleanse itself of all the impurities and toxins it may contain. It is a very good natural detoxifier. Thanks to its stimulating action on the immune system, it helps to fight against diseases and allergies while promoting good health. It is possible to use yellow jasper to help stop nosebleeds, relieve certain pains or reduce fever. Some people use it to relieve their back pain or indigestion problems. Note that this gentle yellow stone would also support for weight loss.


SILVER LEAF JASPER: Recommended to fight against states of exhaustion and fatigue. It would facilitate blood circulation to properly irrigate all the muscles and all the organs in an optimal way, which would help to fight against cramps or even "heavy legs". Toned in this way, the circulation of the blood would greatly help to restore all the functions of the body and energize its vital functions.

It also has most of the curative and therapeutic functions attributed to jasper in general, namely, benefits for the digestive system, for the skin, for the kidneys and glands, the relaxation of muscles and nerves. Stone of protection insofar as it acts as a shield against all forms of aggression. As a stone of moderation, it promotes attitudes of esteem and understanding of oneself and others.


JASPE GOLDEN STONE: Effective in solving endocrine system problems, it also acts beneficially on the entire digestive system. It strengthens the immune system and helps recovery from long illnesses.


LANDSCAPE JASPER: Stimulates imagination and creativity, ideal for artistic activities - This stone invites us to contemplation and travel, simply by looking at it. Perfect support for meditation - Regulates the functions of the intestinal sphere (solar chakra) - Calms nausea (placed on the stomach).


JASPER K2: This jasper was discovered in the Himalayan mountain K2, which is the second highest peak in the world. Aligns the wearer in a powerful vertical axis allowing to live more intensely the present. Brings more confidence, tone and overcoming your fears. Promotes confidence and communication (laryngeal chakra) by the properties of the blue azurite it contains. Spiritual stone because it promotes meditation and the perception of the messages of our guides.


KAMBABA JASPER: Kambaba Jasper is a stone that was created with sediment, then made of silica and combined with fossilized algae inclusions. Generally, Jasper is known to be a "supreme protector" stone. On the chakra of the heart, this jasper soothes emotional suffering, as distant as its origins are those of the present moment. Relieves the feelings of abandonment that one may feel and allows one to connect, like any other stone that acts on the heart chakra, to self-esteem.


POLYCHROME PRINTED JASPER: Very recent stone from Madagascar which would have been discovered in 2006. With its magnificent colors, it brings a lot of serenity and soothes the wearer or the place in which it is placed. It alleviates stress and is one of the stones that protects against the negativity that surrounds us. Placed under the pillow, it can help us remember our dreams. Placed on a desk, its action would strengthen our decision-making with more confidence, as well as our concentration. It is also a stone conducive to meditation, a bit like landscape jasper, but more in color. Indeed, its surprising color variations can let us suggest maps of the cosmos or planets. It connects us to the supreme beauty that Mother Nature has crafted for us.


RED JASPER: Anchor stone, stimulates the 1st chakra and brings energy on the physical level. Stimulates the sexual organs and regulates the functions of the liver. Regulates the female hormonal system after termination of pregnancy or miscarriage (sacral chakra) - Facilitates shamanic journeys and the memory of dreams.


DRAGON'S BLOOD JASPER: Strengthens self-respect, makes the heart receptive, dispels anger and resentment, helps to adopt a positive vision and restores hope and willpower even in difficult times. Meditate with a Dragon's Blood Jasper in each hand and feel divine love flowing through every cell in your body. Strengthens bones, teeth, cartilage. It contributes to the elasticity of tendons, ligaments, muscles and skin, as well as to healing. It strengthens the immune system. It regulates the heart, the blood system, the digestive system, the nervous system. It helps to fight allergic manifestations (eczema, urticaria, asthma, migraine). It acts in the metabolism of carbohydrates, limiting the production of fats and sugars.


JASPE STAR STONE: Connected to the root chakra, it helps you when you feel "disconnected". It is a support during periods of intense stress, it brings tranquility and unifies all aspects of everyday life. It absorbs negative energies, cleanses and realigns the chakras as well as the aura. It also balances Yin and Yang, it protects against electromagnetic pollution, including radiation. It helps in decision-making and encourages honesty with oneself. Stimulates the imagination and turns ideas into action. Prolongs sexual pleasure and is an appreciable support during long illnesses or hospitalization.


ZEBRA JASPER: This jasper revitalizes the body and helps to fight against nervous or physical fatigue. It is a stone that also helps treat kidney/bladder problems, it improves the condition of the skin, bones and teeth and relieves muscle spasms. It is the "anti-apathy" stone. It allows you to be optimistic despite the stresses of life and gives you more initiative to tackle these problems. It will encourage you to dare to dream and turn those dreams into reality. It is also a very soothing stone that stimulates the root chakra. It is worn as a protective amulet by tribal priests.


PINK ZEBRA JASPER: Brings compassion, helps to love others, tempers talkative people and promotes discretion, support during times of stress, facilitates the realization of projects and encourages humanitarian impulses. Balances yin and yang. Accompanies the treatment of bronchitis, supports the circulatory system, facilitates digestion, regulates the liver, gallbladder and stomach, promotes the elimination of toxins and balances the level of minerals in the body.


KUNZITE: Stomach, digestion, absorbs acidity, calms gastric pain (solar plexus) - Stone of great softness and tenderness, stimulates the heart and mind during the night. Provides sweet dreams of love. Rebalances the mind and calms the emotions following an injury to the heart of a romantic relationship (Heart Chakra) - Looks for repressed memories to reduce their sadness. Clarifies the mind and unties emotional knots for better serenity. Prepare the mind before a telepathic session (3rd eye).


LABRADORITE: Highly mystical and protective stone. Ideal for therapists, removes unwanted energies from the aura and repairs energy leaks from the etheric body (cleanse daily at the end of the day). A stone of great intuition, it promotes premonitory dreams, develops predispositions to clairvoyance and helps in the perception of auras. Labradorite is the stone of esoteric knowledge and facilitates initiation into the mysteries. In addition to its shield function, it acts like a sponge by absorbing the negative energies, aches and pains of others, it dissolves them while protecting its user. Treats eye disorders, relieves stress, useful against colds, gout, rheumatism, blood pressure, balances hormones, ... To be placed on the heart chakra or a physical place to be treated. Can also be worn as a pendant or in your pocket.


WHITE LABRADORITE: White labradorite, known in India under the trade name "Rainbow moonstone", has similar properties to that of Madagascar. Protective stone, so as not to "soak up" the emotions of others. Ideal for nurses and other therapists. By its bluish reflections, it improves its communication: dare to say things with diplomacy and especially dare to appear as one is, by the most correct verb (laryngeal chakra). In this case, you must be ready for your circle of acquaintances to be upset by the display of your true identity. Just like real moonstone, this white labradorite brings more softness and soothes the emotions (sacral chakra). In meditation, it can participate in our spiritual awakening, in our connection to the divine plan (coronal chakra).


LAPIS LAZULI: Stone of the Pharaohs, develops psychic gifts, the opening of the 3rd eye and a better connection with the spiritual worlds. Stimulates mental activity and analytical mind. Eye pain and migraines. Calm cough (throat chakra) - To be worn as a pendant as close as possible to the laryngeal chakra in order to unblock knots and things left unsaid, while promoting frank communication and great uprightness - Avoid having it on your table the night or under the pillow, disturbs sleep.


LARIMAR: Stone of love, peace and serenity - Excellent for people looking for a soul mate - Heals emotional trauma and relationships from past lives (heart chakra) - Harmonizes body and soul - Calms strong emotions and bipolar disorders - Action on cartilage and to put on blocked joints - Develops intuition (3rd eye) - Throat disorders (throat chakra) - Better "control" your life with your heart - connect to the energy of the Earth by helping women to harmonize with their femininity by connecting them with nature - dispels physical pain.


LEPIDOLITE: Lepidolite stops the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves. Anti-wave properties at the same level as those of shungite. Dispels negativity and harmonizes heart to crown chakras. By its lithium content, it is effective for people who are stressed, anxious and anxious (heart chakra). To place under his pillow for insomnia. To be associated with a phantom quartz to guide us during periods of great upheaval in our lives. Strengthens kidney and liver (sacral chakra) energy. For skin problems (heart chakra). Relieves aches. In the hand, by moving it over the body, we feel the energy blockages of the person.






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