List of properties
the most common minerals
LINGHAM (Shiva Lingham): Stone of Shiva, divinity in India, closely linked to the 3rd eye - Accumulator of energy, it very strongly activates the 3rd eye to develop our extra-sensory perceptions.
MAGNETITE (Magnetic stone): Pain reliever - Compensates for iron deficiencies - Not recommended for people with pacemakers and/or metal prostheses - Its attraction effect helps to bond friendships and strengthens relationships - Powerful anchor stone, it keeps us connects more easily to Mother Earth and conveys the energy of the base chakra to the higher chakras - Brings a better circulation of energy in the meridians - Excellent stone for magnetizers as well as for distance healing. To be placed on the 3rd eye to reactivate the magnetite present in this area and develop the sensory faculties. Hold one in each hand for 10 minutes to rebalance body polarities. Effective against cramps by combining it with lapis lazuli.
MALACHITE: Regulates circulation and stimulates the immune system (heart chakra). Absorbs negative energies causing pain (hematoma, fracture, sprain, rheumatism, stomach, appendicitis, etc.). Reduces (or even resolves) joint inflammation, arthritis, arthritis. To be placed on the painful part for a prolonged period, because malachite contains copper and the latter is anti-inflammatory. Poisonous in elixir. Effective in massage with a wand in energized oil. Releases held emotions.
MANGANO CALCITE: Skin problems - Nervousness - Soothing stone - Very gentle for the heart chakra and opens it to the upper chakras while facilitating grounding. Regulates emotions and unties emotional knots.
NACRE: Rebalances calcium deficiencies - Soothing stone - Access to the mental body (3rd eye) - Reveals our faults.
OBSIDIAN: Find out more obsidian, the stone par excellence used in lithotherapy and in the creation of jewellery.
SILVER OBSIDIAN: Excellent for intensifying meditation - It is a mirror of our most buried aspects, nothing can be hidden from it - Connects the astral body to the physical body during extracorporeal journeys and allows a better return to one's body.
OBSIDIAN SNOWFLAKE (star): Brings balance between the material and spiritual planes, and between the masculine and the feminine - A good help for hypochondriacs to soothe their somatizations. This allows us to highlight who we are exactly.
TEARS OF APACHE OBSIDIAN: Like all obsidians that protect, "Tear of Apache" obsidian is effective against psychic attacks. He releases the heavy emotions buried in him, whether conscious or unconscious. It is a good stone for doing introspective work and for freeing yourself more easily from a past that is difficult to manage emotionally. This stone facilitates deep anchoring (base chakra and/or between the ankles).
MENTOGOCHOL OBSIDIAN: This is a variety of celestial eye (rainbow) obsidian that has undergone seismic movements. It would be the stone of the Mexican shamans, more precisely the Huichols of the Sierra Madre Occidental in the state of Jalisco. Non-concentric colors like that of the celestial eye, it reminds us of the visions that the Huichols have during their sacred rituals, the vision quests. The mentogochole would have the same properties as the celestial eye, but would be of a higher vibration and very well suited for meditation and introspection. To wear as a pendant for the protective side and the latter on the 3rd eye to see beyond appearances.
BLACK OBSIDIAN: Like the large family of obsidians, this one also promotes better grounding by harmonizing the base chakra and thus, by generating more energy in the body. This allows you to better manage destabilizing situations and to be less overwhelmed by emotions. It brings balance to body and mind. In short, it allows you to better manage your daily life in the matter, which our incarnation submits to us. It is also a good protective stone to repel psychic attacks by forming a shield. The black obsidian will bring balance during meditations carried out with a rock crystal which should detach us from it.
OBSIDIAN (Heavenly Eye): Bioenergetic alignment stone, the most powerful of the obsidians. Ideal for therapists looking to maintain alignment as part of their practice. Powerful radiation, suitable for anyone looking for a real energy shield. Of very high spiritual quality, the celestial eye is a fabulous protection against all psychic attacks, interference, negative entities,... Promotes the elevation of the soul. Effective to fight against convulsions, hysteria, epilepsy, and calm fears. The celestial eye allows us to go deep within ourselves, to explore the dark areas buried in our memory and to reveal our true selves. Very strongly not recommended for people with depression or with a tendency to depression.
TIGER'S EYE: Promotes the digestive system. Eliminates stress, prevents stomach problems and gastric acidity. Brings flexibility to bones, muscles, better relaxation and reflexes. Visual acuity and night vision. Protective, it returns negative energies to its transmitter. Protects us from negative thoughts of others and ourselves. To also place near his front door and can protect us from possible bad spells, as well as from any negativity in general. Brings energy and dynamism, the sense of contact with others and friendship. Promotes independence of mind and autonomy, self-confidence and a lot of flexibility of mind. Placed on the 3rd eye, it strengthens psychic gifts and balances the lower chakras by facilitating the rise of kundalini. Placed on the sacral chakra (2nd), it roots the person. Excellent for dreamers and uncommitted people.
FALCON'S EYE: Vision problems: Visual fatigue, conjunctivitis,… It allows you to take a step back from events to see more clearly, because the falcon can rise in the air to have a global view of its environment before to act. Improves sense of observation and precision of vision - Regulates breathing, purifies the bronchi, soothes hoarseness - Open to new ideas and improves listening to others.
IRON EYE: Increases strength, boldness and energy. Ideal for sad, apathetic, tired people. Regulates heart rate and is suitable for athletes. Very complete stone, it combines the qualities of red jasper, hematite and tiger's eye.
EYE OF SAINT LUCIA: The expression Eye of Saint Lucia, "eye of Shiva", "eye of Venus" or even "eye of the Virgin", designates the mineralized cover of a mollusk of the Turbinidae family, called Rough turbo of the Mediterranean. This cover takes its name from the legend of the martyr of Saint Lucy which tells us that it would be a young woman from Syracuse who, accused by her fiancé of being too pious (and of not giving in to his demands) , would have torn away his eyes and would have thrown them into the sea. The Virgin Mary would then have given him back his sight in thanks for his faith. This is how the eye of Saint Lucia is considered a lucky charm and its energies bring self-confidence and protection in our actions.
BULL'S EYE: As protective as tiger's eye. For those who lack strength and courage, brings more "bite" in situations requiring a lot of energy. Protects material assets from theft. To place in the house with a tiger's eye.
BLACK ONYX: Hearing disorders, ringing in the ears, reduces tinnitus (throat chakra) - Self-control and sense of responsibility. Its prolonged wearing can generate sadness, fear, boredom, gloom. Not recommended for pregnant women - Earth anchor stone (base chakra).
MOSS OPAL (or Dendritic Opal, Merlinite): Clear opal with dendrite inclusions, also called "Merlinite". Stone of great intuition (3rd eye). Brings calm and serenity (heart chakra). Improves lymphatic circulation, elimination of toxins and regulates the amount of water in the tissues (sacral chakra). Harmonizes the energy of the pancreatic gland (solar plexus). Its double color brings a balance between the feminine and the masculine (yin/yang). Facilitates introspection during journeys into past or future lives. Stone of the knowledge keepers of shamans, alchemists, ... ​
ANDES ROSE OPAL: Reduces stress, soothes the heart and against viral infections of the respiratory tract (heart chakra) - Drains fatty tissue and water retention (solar chakra) - blood circulation (1st chakra) - increase in the production of white blood cells (heart chakra) - emotional suffering, it prevents apathy and lethargy (heart chakra) - to people complexed by their image or by the criticism of others, too demanding of themselves. Pink Opal teaches them to love and accept themselves as they are - Strongly develops psychic abilities and a better understanding of hidden or unexplained things (heart and crown chakra).
GREEN OPAL: Fountain of youth, because it deeply rejuvenates our subtle body. This would strengthen our immune system (heart chakra). It would therefore be ideal to enter the winter without fear of cooling. It is also a stone that releases fears, insecurities and false guilt. On a mental level, the green opal guides our consciousness towards a positive outlook on life. In your environment, opal brings a feeling of freshness and renewal. On the heart chakra, it is soothing.
PHOSPHOSIDERITE: Also known under the name of Ziyun, it helps to annihilate anxieties, anger, stress, sadness, fears; and instead instils a feeling of joy, cheerfulness and well-being. Soothing and balancing, it strengthens the ability to concentrate and self-confidence. It promotes sleep and the meditative state. It also allows you to develop your creativity and inventiveness. It strengthens the immune system and acts particularly on the respiratory tract, very effective for nasopharyngitis and flu. It also benefits the liver, heart and thyroid. It also relieves fevers. Useful in case of stomach aches or diarrhea, it will also have positive effects on the skin and hair to keep them healthy and healthy in the long term.
PERIDOT (Chrysolite): Purifies toxins at the physical and energetic level of the body - Purifies the chakras - Protective stone of the aura - Very complementary to labradorite for therapists exposed to the negative energies of patients - Helps define one's destiny and purpose spiritual - Reduces the feeling of jealousy, envy, anger and reduces stress - Anti-fatigue properties and aids digestion. Immune system and increases natural defenses during infectious diseases (heart chakra) - Brings vitality to body and mind - Facilitates childbirth by strengthening muscle contractions and decreasing pain - Decreases bipolar disorder and overcomes hypochondria.
MOON STONE: Sterility and hormonal balance - Regulates menstrual cycles - Promotes milk surges - Thyroid. Soothes stomach aches and stops excess acid secretions - Contributes to marital balance and reconciles. Humanize the sexual act towards a more sacred vision. Improves intuition, imagination. Brings poetry, softness and sensitivity. Promotes premonitory dreams and delicate decision-making. Open-minded and puts others at ease. Brings softness and tolerance to hard and severe people. Reveals in men the good sides of the feminine spirit.
FAIRY STONE: The fairy stone, as its name suggests, allows you to connect with the fairy people. It is fossilized clay from northern Canada (Abitibi). Used by Native Americans as a lucky charm and protective talisman. It is also a stone of faith and above all an excellent stone of fertility. It allows you to develop great sexual and reproductive power with great softness. Very feminine, it harmonizes the sexual act between man and woman.
SUNSTONE: Brings more sexual energy (sacral chakra). Complete stone, showing the virtues of carnelian, amber, citrine and hematite. Stone of charisma, joy, cheerfulness and friendship. Spreads good humor, optimism, vitality and facilitates body expression (solar plexus) - Facilitates telepathic transmissions (3rd eye).
PIETERSITE: Hearing disorders, ringing in the ears, reduces tinnitus (throat chakra) - Promotes healing and regulates hormonal functions (to be placed on the chakra corresponding to the endocrine gland to be rebalanced) - Improves digestive functions and the role purifying the liver (solar chakra) - Opens the mind to new ideas, promotes listening to others and stimulates the capacity for expression - Aids in the manifestation of truth - Commits to fidelity to principles supported by harmony values - Intuitive stone and stimulates extrasensory abilities (3rd eye chakra) - Brings balance between the material world and spirituality.
PURITY: Stimulates the endocrine gland of the pituitary to develop extrasensory abilities. Improves blood circulation and purifies the blood by combining it with hematite (basic chakra). Stabilizes the level of uric acid. Effective against psoriasis by combining it with a rock crystal and placing the stones on the point of initial appearance. Promotes self-expression with self-confidence (solar chakra). Free the material world enough to rise more easily towards spirituality (crown chakra). Free yourself from fears to dare to take a step towards the unknown (solar chakra).
IRON PYRITE: Excellent energy shield that eliminates negative energies, pollutants and infectious diseases - Stone of protection of the subtle bodies and the physical body - Intellectual faculties - Respiratory tracts, bronchi - Anemia - Energy anchoring - Gives the sense of organization - Stimulates memory.
BLUE QUARTZ: A modest stone that lasts longer. Treats the throat chakra and all the organs it manages. Facilitate communication by daring to say things. Calm the mind.
SMOKY QUARTZ (or Morion): An effective grounding crystal for body and mind. It clarifies our thoughts and ideas. It increases the overall vibrational level when practicing meditation. Tibetan Buddhists associate it with uplifting the soul. It grounds spiritual energy while dissipating negative vibrations. Action on the lower chakras including that of the Earth, connecting us to nature and developing an interest in the environment and ecology. Dispel geopathic stress or that accumulated during the day, by holding a crystal in each hand and sitting comfortably in an armchair. Arrange the points outwards to extract negative energies from the body and the points facing you to charge the latter with good vibrations. It chases away dark thoughts, sadness and the inclination to depression. Smoky quartz is very suitable for people who are always in a hurry and do not take the time to settle down. It dissipates certain pains by placing it on the region of the body concerned. Effective for conditions of the legs, hips and abdomen.
QUARTZ GIRASOL: Regulates the nervous system, the production of adrenaline, calms excessive emotionality, the heart rate and allows calm and deep breathing. Purifies, softens and soothes the atmosphere of a bedroom and promotes better sleep (in a ball).
QUARTZ HEMATOIDE: It is a rock crystal with a more or less strong presence of iron, component of hematite. It is therefore the property of hematite that this quartz conveys and amplifies. Useful for improving grounding and blood circulation (base chakra). A purifying action on the blood and relaxing for the legs. To put on the forehead during migraines. Gives the feeling of more strength and vigor by placing it on the solar chakra.
PINK QUARTZ: Ideal for the heart and its chakra. Stone of peace and infinite love, it soothes internal tensions and heals the heart. Improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. Calms rowdy and/or hyperactive children (place a block on the bedside table or a good sized flat stone under the pillow). It can help people suffering from senile dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Placed on the thymus, it treats ailments of the chest and lungs. Also treats the kidneys, adrenal glands and reduces dizziness. Because those who did not know love in their childhood can take it with them permanently. The same goes for treating heartache, learning to love yourself as you are, developing unconditional love for yourself and for others. Strongly accompanies the healing of emotional wounds, heartache and other emotional trauma. A sphere of rose quartz or a block, polished or not, is to be placed in a living room or bedroom. This will bring a lot of softness and calm for the occupants.
RUTILED QUARTZ: Excellent shield against spells, reflects negative energies and protects against the negative influences of others. Helps to develop our will, strengthens our inner strength. Sparkling Quartz brings calm, warmth, harmony, vitality, stability (heart chakra). Important physical stimulant (solar chakra) - Tissue regeneration - Lungs, respiratory tract (heart chakra) - Asthma (associated with amber).
RHODOCHROSITE: Fabulous anti-stress stone, regulates emotivity (heart chakra) - Gastric ulcers, Parkinson's, MS, myopathies (better control of gestures and movements, better breathing and reduction of heart palpitations). Prob. osteoporosis associated with menopause. It magnifies happy moments and soothes sorrows (heart chakra). Brings understanding and respect between adults and children.
RHODONITE: Regulates blood circulation - Protects against arteriosclerosis and vascular accidents - Protects against the jealousy of others and attacks - Softens and calms nervous people - Directs its wearer towards fraternal approaches.
RHYOLITE: Access to karmic wisdom - Rekindles the potential and creativity of the soul - Helps to see quests and see things from the spiritual plane - useful for exploring the expanse of the Self - Promotes deep meditation to facilitate travel internal and external - Anchor in the present moment - Reinforces self-esteem - Self-respect and acceptance of one's true Self - Calmly manage daily circumstances - Emotional balance - Venous system, skin problems, urticaria - Assimilation of vitamin B - Dissolves kidney stones and hardened tissue.
ZOISITE RUBY (anyolite): Stone of self-sacrifice for the good of others. It brings balance between power and justice, power and humility, strength and gentleness. Grounding stone and stimulates energy in the body (root chakra). Stimulates blood circulation while regulating heart rate (heart chakra). Brings more serenity and fights stress (heart chakra). It transmutes negative energy into positive. Manifesting your own self and no longer allowing yourself to be influenced by what is external to yourself, to the ideas of others or to the rigid, limited and limiting standards that society seeks to impose on us.
SELENITE (Gypsum): Very soft with soothing effects. Feeling of physical well-being and relaxation of the mind. Brings self-confidence and self-confidence. Aids in bone growth for infants.
SEPTARIA: Septaria is a soothing and very soft stone. Brings greater self-control, a sense of security and a better grounding. Take it in your hands during a meditation and ask it to show us our blockages, because it helps to better understand our deep mechanisms related to our emotions.
SERAPHINITE (CLINOCHLORE): Great healing stone. Placed on the 3rd eye chakra, it purifies and cleanses the aura. Connects us to the angelic planes (crown-7th chakra). Develops tenderness, compassion and unconditional love (heart chakra). Gather all the healing energies for the cells that need it (heart chakra). To be used for all serious illnesses or any problem generating a cellular disorder and to be applied to the area concerned.
SERPENTINE: Protects against snake bites, both literally and figuratively. Indeed, if it is difficult to come across one of these reptiles in our time, we can wonder if there are none in our relationships. Therefore, this stone may well protect us. Useful in the treatment of diabetes, because it limits the crises of hypoglycemia (solar chakra).
SODALITE: Heals the throat and the eyes. Soft and soothing, it installs a deep serenity. Favorable to fight against the effects of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It channels thought rationally. Openness stone to the world, to knowledge, to knowledge, to ideas,... Awakens the 3rd eye and prepares for the development of intuition, access to invisible planes.
SHIVA LINGAM: Shiva lingams are stones that come from the Narmada River, one of the 7 sacred places of Hindu pilgrimage, in central-western India. Indian mythology defines the lingam as the symbol of God and is always considered a sacred stone.
SHUNGITE: Neutralizes electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, electricity meters & lines, computers, tablets, mobile phones, cordless phones, all household appliances and all equipment using an electrical power source). Significantly stimulates the base chakra (the 1st). Anchoring stone par excellence.
STAURODITE (STAUROLITE): Cross-shaped twins at right angles or at 60°. Also called: stone cross, twin of St André, Croisette de Bretagne. Considered for a very long time as an excellent stone of protection (of places and people) and as a lucky charm. Facilitates a better anchoring to the “earth” element (root chakra). Would be a good help to quit smoking. Rich in iron and aluminum silicate.
STIBINE (Stibnite or Antimony): Material of the alchemists (matter of the wise). Achieved perfection in transmuting metal into gold. It is a great protective stone which creates an impassable barrier around the etheric body. Repels the forces of evil and protects during seances, during the cleaning of crowded places as well as people. Objects can also be neutralized with stibine. Cleansing the lungs (heart chakra). Use a pointed stibine to treat tendonitis or other inflammation. Allows removal of implants. Always use a stone in the same hand as the one holding the stibine, so as not to recover the negative charge that the stibine absorbs. Purification of stibine is strongly recommended after each use. Beware of novices who could abuse it.
SUGILITE: Sugilite is the symbol of holistic consciousness. Healing stone for serious illnesses, as it strongly stimulates the immune system (heart chakra). Stone of awakening, allows to integrate the energy of the spiritual love in the mental body (chakra 3rd eye). Prepare for the ascent of the Kundalini. Capturing the energy of spiritual love, it circulates it from the base chakra to the crown chakra. Recommended in hypnosis or sophrology session. Brings deep relaxation (crown chakra).
BLACK TECTITE: Provides physical protection during risky situations, such as adventurous journeys or if you wish to follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones... Protection against theft, attacks. Helps to better orient oneself intuitively during hikes. Formed by the union of a meteorite and minerals from the Earth, it favors the circulation of cosmo-telluric energies between the 1st and the 7th chakra is, is a good grounding stone (base chakra).
TERAHERTZ: Helps improve blood circulation by eliminating clots thanks to its long wavelength. Maintains balance in cold hands and feet by stimulating cells, improving mobility and maintaining body condition. Highly recommended for those who feel tired or have negative thoughts, it is also known to purify harmful radiation, pollutants and allergens present in the air.
BLUE TOPAZ: Promotes meditation. Be aware of its existence for a better analysis of your course (3rd eye) - Inflammation of the throat, hoarseness and improvement of verbal expression - Thrombosis and varicose veins (on the affected areas) - Stomach aches, bloating (solar chakra) .
IMPERIAL TOPAZ: Imperial topaz acts as a battery by revitalizing us during great fatigue or for convalescents following a long illness (solar chakra). Promotes blood circulation and slows the appearance of varicose veins (heart chakra). Facilitates wound healing (on the affected area). Very stimulating for morale, memory and intellectual acuity (3rd eye). Can be used as a transmitter and amplifier for channeling sessions or other mediumship work. Taking up the qualities offered by citrine, but with a much higher power. On the solar chakra, it acts on the digestive sphere and brings more joy, cheerfulness and self-confidence, in order to go further.
BLACK TOURMALINE (or Schorl): Protection against electromagnetic waves. Protects against the negative energies of your surroundings. Powerful grounding stone (base chakra or under the feet). Compensates for negative waves in the house, geological and geopathogenic disturbances. To take with you or to have at home.
PINK TOURMALINE (or Rubellite): Heals the heart chakra following any blockage that may be linked to a breakup and/or the refusal to love and be loved. This stone really reactivates its energy. It harmonizes love in the couple and in the person who wears it. It allows you to love yourself before loving others. Dispels emotional pain and generates greater physical sharing in love. A precious help to open up to divine love.
TURQUOISE (or Callaïte): Purifying action on vital fluids: blood, urine, sperm, cerebrospinal fluid, hormonal secretions (sacral chakra) - Immune system (heart chakra) - Intoxication, poisoning, cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar (chakra plexus) - Protects the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, skull and eyes. (throat and 3rd eye chakra) - Optimism and positivity. Develop artistic sense. Transforming aggression into creative power (3rd eye). Strengthens friendship and the feeling of mutual affection (heart chakra). Great stone of communication and verbal eloquence (throat chakra) - Gives courage and intuitive know-how. Better control of anger (solar plexus) - Absorbs the wearer's negative thoughts. Protection against the evil eye, physical attacks, ... ​
UNAKITE (or Epidote): Useful for meditation and all psychic work - Stone of vision that balances emotions in connection with the spiritual plane - Opens and promotes visualization and psychic vision (3rd eye) - Helps heal trauma resulting from past lives (3rd eye). Unakite reaches to the roots of discomfort on the plane where it occurred, bringing it to light so it can be transmuted - Aids in convalescence and recovery from serious illness - Liver and bowel function (solar chakra) - Bone problems, fractures, decalcification, rheumatism (base or zone chakra) - Promotes a problem-free pregnancy.
