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Turquoise is also called callaïte, it is a mineral of blue-green color. Its name probably comes from the Greek kalláïnos which means shimmering blue and green. Beware of false turquoise many sellers sell blue tinted howlite (turquenite) for turquoise which has nothing to do in terms of properties or in terms of mineral value.


Aluminum phosphate with copper and iron coloring substances: CuAl6 (PO 4) 4 (OH) 8 .5H2O or CuAl6 (PO4) 4 (OH) 8.4H2O. Hydrated basic phosphate of aluminum and copper. It discolors on exposure to sun or heat and may turn green if exposed to water or grease.

Its colors vary from blue green to gray green depending on the places of production; they range from sky blue, blue green and bluish green with often brown to black veins.

Density 2.6. Hardness 5 to 6.

Deposits: Arizona, Nevada, China, Tibet, Mexico. Afghanistan, Australia, Iran, Israel, Tanzania, USA.

Crystal system: Triclinic, rare in the state of crystals.





Origin of the name: Turkey was once one of the high places of the turquoise trade. Hence its name.
Since the dawn of time, turquoise has been a sacred stone in Egypt, Persia, Tibet, India, among the Mayans, the Aztecs and the Incas. It symbolized the God of fire in the Aztec civilization, for the Buddhists it represents the wealth that it is material or spiritual.



Physical virtues:


Malfunction of the liver and glands. Strengthens the eyes. Effective against eye diseases: it improves circulation, beneficial for cataracts.

Relieves sore throats, lung ailments, and respiratory diseases in general and protects mucous membranes of the throat, nose and skull as well as the eyes. Relieves acute pain. Infectious states.

For children who stutter: 10 min on the throat chakra every day.

Increases blood supply to muscle tissue during tears in ligaments and tendons.

Turquoise is a good regulator of the nervous system. It has a purifying action on the vital fluids of the body: blood, urine, sperm, cerebrospinal fluid, hormonal secretions. It is effective against poisoning, poisoning, excess cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar. It also strengthens the immune system.



Psychic virtues:


Stone of wisdom. Turquoise lifts the spirit to the sky. It allows us to discern good from evil. As a positive stone, it brings joy to sad and depressed people. Also gives confidence and firmness when we have to present our arguments concisely and confidently in conferences. Develop intuition. Beneficial influence on stress.

It protects when we have nightmares and when our nights are anxious. Far from our aura negative, disturbing, harmful influences and vibrations, even going so far as to absorb them.





Protects from accidents and bad luck: stone for motorists and travelers but also for horses and riders.

It has the property of protecting those around us from our own negative thoughts by absorbing them so much that it can turn pale and die, or even split when illness or death strikes its owner, as if it were offering itself as a sacrifice. It also protects from negative energies emitted by the entourage, from the evil eye, from physical assaults, accidents, violent death.



Chakras and use:


Neck and throat chakra.

To carry with you.





After a while the stone has given all the energy it could, it can be purified energetically by placing it on a bed of coarse salt for several hours or by immersing it in non-calcareous water.



Charge :


!!! Sun to imperatively avoid because it discolours !!! Natural sky light will suffice for normal charging.





Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius.

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