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Its name comes from sodium for "soda" and from the Greek "lithos" which means stone, that is: Sodium stone.

It belongs to the group of Silicates and is composed of aluminum and sodium silicates with chlorine, Na8Cl2 (Al6Si6O24)

Crystal system : Cubic

Hardness: Between 5.5 and 6

Deposits: Afghanistan , Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, United States, France, Greenland, India, Italy, Namibia, Pakistant, South West Africa.

Color: Azure blue and tiny other colors.





Discovered in 1806, the sodalite stone was described and analyzed by the Scottish doctor and mineralogist Thomas Thomson (1773-1852) in 1811. The latter relied on extracts from Greenland. In 1891, sodalite was recognized as an ornamental stone.

More recently following a diplomatic meeting in Canada, the wife of King George V, Mary de Teck (1867-1952) fell in love with the sodalite stone. The Princess of Wales then ordered a very large quantity of sodalite bound for the United Kingdom, in particular to perfect her apartments at Marlborough House in London. The popularity of sodality grew very strongly.

In 1975, we see the appearance on the market of synthetic sodalite. It is not uncommon for this stone to be confused, due to its many features of pyrite, to the lapis lazuli stone. Today, sodalite stone is widely used in jewelry as well as lithotherapy. The making of jewelry such as a sodalite necklace, a sodalite bracelet or a sodalite pendant is increasingly widespread thanks to the virtues of this stone.

Sodalite stone owes its etymological name to the fusion of the terms “soda” for sodium and the Greek “lithos” meaning “stone”. We could therefore rename it “sodium stone”. Sodalite belongs to the group of silicates and is a mineral species in its own right. It is composed of sodium silicate with chlorine and aluminum. This composition is also found in lapis lazuli stone.

Sodalite stone can be both translucent and at the same time opaque. It is very rarely transparent.



Physical virtues:


We find the same soothing effects as lapis lazuli in sodalite, but in a softer, more discreet way.

It strengthens the throat and the pulmonary sphere. It will be useful in case of angina, sinusitis and bronchitis.

It also strengthens and regulates the nervous and glandular systems

Placed on the frontal chakra, it regenerates the cerebellum, effectively stimulates brain functions, promotes a good balance between the physical and the mental and fights against insomnia.

In addition, it has an anti-hemorrhagic action, soothes irritated skin and is useful in the event of edema.



Psychic virtues:


Sodalite is a stone of optimism and joie de vivre. It fights against pessimism, negative thoughts, failure syndrome, lack of self-confidence. It promotes rational thinking, intelligence, stability and self-esteem. It structures the personality, brings rationalism and a great mastery of emotions. It is therefore very useful for hypersensitive people.

It is a stone of openness at all levels. It softens the minds of people with a tendency to mental rigidity and helps fight obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It reassures people of their abilities that tend to extol their merits.

Sodalite is also very useful for professions in which team spirit is essential. It promotes the establishment of a spirit of solidarity and lasting cohesion.

Sodalite balances Yin and Yang between the upper and lower body.

It facilitates the awakening of the 3rd eye, thus allowing the development of introspection and intuitive perceptions. It protects effectively during meditative work.



Chakra and use:


Frontal chakra.
Throat Chakra.

As it clarifies the mind and promotes inner vision, sodalite facilitates access to the higher planes of consciousness. When used in meditation, it can also facilitate the cleansing of old thought patterns, to bring us to more Spirituality.



Cleaning :


Under running water for a few minutes or soaked in a little salted distilled water.



Charge :


Little sun and lots of moonlight.

On a heap of quartz.

In an Amethyst geode.





The sodalite stone is particularly suitable for the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo.

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