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Clinochlore Séraphinite is part of the chlorite family, it is a very powerful healing stone. It captures the healing energies of the highest planes to convey them in our holistic being (that is to say on all planes: physical, psychic, emotional, spiritual). It amplifies the healing properties of other stones.


Chemical composition: Magnesium and iron aluminosilicate (Mg, Fe2 +) 5Al (Si3Al) O10 (OH) 8

Hardness: 2 - 2.5

Crystal system: Monoclinic

Origin: Russia (Siberia)



Physical virtues:


It is one of the most effective stones for cell regeneration, it energetically supports the heart and lungs, it strengthens the blood, relieves muscle tension and helps to lose weight. It acts as a base stone to combat all addictions. It effectively supports nerves and brain cells. It eliminates toxins, and purifies the blood.



Psychic virtues:


It is said to be a healing stone and to facilitate connection with the world of angels. As it vibrates at a high energy rate, it is in close resonance with the chorus of seraphim to whom we attribute a purifying power. It is also referred to as the “healing stone” of the New Age. It facilitates the opening of the heart and crown chakras. It aligns the body with the energy of light. Its energy is both balancing and energizing. It balances yin and yang. It accompanies meditation and it helps us to develop compassion, tenderness and unconditional love. Seraphinite is the stone of letting go. It helps us to get rid of all addictions. It dispels old emotions. You can use this stone to cut any ties of past relationships that still bind you.



Chakras and use:


The Seraphinite acts particularly on the Heart chakras, the frontal and the Coronal chakra.





Distilled water.



Charge :


Pile of quartz, geode or piece of amethyst, sun or moonlight.







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