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and Rhodonite

Rhodochrosite (as well as its Rhodonite variant) is composed of manganese carbonate.

The main deposits of these minerals are located in the USA, Mexico.

Its name comes from the Greek 'Rhodon' for pink and 'Chros' for color.

Rhodochrosite is a fairly rare mineral that forms in the hydrothermal veins of deposits.

Color: Pink to orange

Hardness: 3.69

Density: 3.5 to 4.5

Composition: Manganese carbonate MnCO3

Shape: Rolled stone


Among Buddhists, it symbolizes rest, in China it is a sign of peace and serenity, in India it is inner peace and among Christians, it represents bliss and spiritual contemplation.

Physical virtues:

It gives us strength to act and vigor.

Rhodochrosite stimulates our intuition and our creativity.

Rhodochrosite is effective for the pancreas, spleen and digestion disorders. Its anti-stress qualities make it an excellent aid in improving the physical condition of a patient during gastric ulcers.

Even in more serious cases like Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, we find the soothing effects of Rhodocrosite allowing the subject to better control his movements and gestures, to breathe better, to have less heart palpitations.

It removes impurities and irritations from the skin, such as acne and pimples.

It strengthens the heart cures diseases of the liver, respiratory tract and lungs.

Rhodochrosite increases visual acuity and strengthens our eyes.

It is effective for diabetes, kidney disease and cancer in the stomach area.

It also helps with osteoporosis problems related to menopause.

It removes the troubles, the uncertainties of language caused by our lack of confidence.

It protects us from nightmares.

Psychic virtues:

The Rhodochrosite stone evokes selfless love and compassion.

Excellent for heart and relationships, especially for people who feel unloved and undergo uneasy energies. This stone gently brings up the painful and repressed feelings in order to dissipate them through an emotional release.

Mentally invigorating, Rhodochrosite encourages a positive attitude.

Remarkable transmitter of energy that warms the heart, awakening feelings of love, tenderness and compassion, it emits vibrations that generate real forces around the people who own it, providing peace and peace of mind.


It is the most wonderful anti-stress stone (to be placed on the solar plexus chakra to regulate emotionality).

It helps to develop "love on a social level", that is to say altruism, self-giving, openness to others

It helps us against inner worry, distress and anxiety.

Rhodochrosite soothes the sorrows of the painful phases. It is also very effective in establishing relationships of understanding and respect between adults and children.

It refocuses the digressions of the mind especially during problems of extreme jealousy, when the mind becomes unable to make sense of things, to be satisfied with an often banal reality and assembles an imaginary story which becomes the only truth that one can hear, although it is inaccurate.

Chakras and use:

The Rhodochrosite stone acts particularly on the chakras of the Solar Plexus and the Heart.


Distilled water

Charge :

Sun or cluster of quartz, Amethyst geode.


Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio.

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