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Rutilated Quartz


Also called "Hair of Venus" Rutile Quartz is a pure rock crystal crossed by titanium oxide needles (rutile).


Color: colorless and rutile quartz yellow, golden, red, brown and colorless


Composition: silicon dioxide with inclusions of oxidized titanium


Hardness: 7


Crystal system: rhombohedral


Transparency: transparent to translucent


Group: quartz family


The deposits: Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Switzerland….


Formula: TiO2


Amplifies the powers of clear quartz. Helps to overcome fear, depression




It has properties similar to the crystals that form its matrix (smoky quartz or rock crystal). It is a stone of energy integration, stability and anchoring. It promotes spiritual growth by making it possible to move forward, in particular by destroying obstacles and negative energies hampering progress. It is therefore very useful for projection into various subtle planes (astral journeys, divination, etc.). It balances energies on all levels. These properties are particularly interesting for working with past lives, understanding karma and moving forward.



Physical virtues:


Heartburn. Allergies. Angina. Asthma. Chronic bronchitis. Breathing difficulties. Detoxification. Premature ejaculation. Energy. Epilepsy. Strength and resistance. Immunity. Obesity. Otitis. Sexual potency. Cooling. Cold. Regeneration. Sensitivity to cold. Spasms of the digestive system. Central nervous system. Smoking. Tuberculosis. Dizziness and lack of balance. Regeneration of tissues throughout the body. Increases vital force. Strengthens the immune system. Stimulates the functioning of the brain. Soothes depression and facilitates inspiration. Increases the gift of clairvoyance. Transforms negativity. Increase communication with the higher self and spiritual guides. The elixir of rutile quartz strengthens the immune system. It relieves depression by promoting better circulation of energies. It acts on the reorganization of body tissues and cells. It is therefore favorable in case of radiation treatment. It works on the respiratory tract, lungs and asthma problems. An elixir to consider if you want to quit smoking. Effective in case of affection in the chest area, in case of bronchitis or oppression. Restoring affected cells and tissues.

The elixir of rutile quartz strengthens the immune system, the meridians and the fads. It relieves depression by promoting better circulation of energies. The healing properties of this elixir are powerful and act on the reorganization of body tissues and cells. It is therefore favorable in case of radiation treatment because it supports the regeneration of damaged tissue. On the other hand, it exerts a very beneficial action on the respiratory tracts, the lungs which it cleanses, and fights the problems of asthma. An elixir to consider if you want to quit smoking because it will help improve the “battered” lungs.



Psychic virtues:


Acceptance. Nightmares. Spiritual development. Stubbornness. Hope. Powerlessness. Insomnia. Oppression. Realities, concrete. Sensitivity.

This elixir promotes creativity and mental focus. He supports any personal development process by facilitating the acceptance of errors and the skills to develop. The vibration of rutile quartz facilitates the space for meditation and opens the mind to unexpected dimensions.

The elixir of rutile quartz goes well with any work on subtle energies, whether it is Reiki, magnetism, acupuncture or the harmonization of the aura and chakras.

This elixir promotes creativity and mental focus. He supports any process of personal development by facilitating the acceptance of lessons to be learned and errors that show us the skills to develop. The vibration of the rutile quartz facilitates the space of meditation, opens the mind to unsuspected dimensions, where we contact high spheres which energize spiritual growth.



The Chakras:


Throat and heart chakra…





Distilled salt water



Charge :


Sun, Amethyst geode.





Aries. Gemini. Lion. Scorpio. Taurus.

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