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Smoky Quartz


Smoky quartz is a variety of macrocrystalline quartz, which owes its color (all shades of brown) to the natural or induced irradiation of the aluminum salts it contains.


Origin of name: From the ancient Greek krustallos meaning ice, reference to the fact that quartz is ice formed by the Gods.


Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide SiO2


Hardness: 7


Crystal system: Rhombohedral.


Deposit (s): Very numerous around the world.


Color (s): Ranging from pale beige to black, predominantly brown and brown.





The fortune tellers and fortune tellers were very inspired by this type of quartr, especially in the 19th century. They liked to use it because unlike the clarity of rock crystal, the smoky quartz stone prevented laymen from accessing the mysteries contained in their divination balls. At Braemar Castle in Scotland is a huge smoky quartz crystal, weighing over 23 kilos. It is very popular in Scotland, mainly to decorate Scottish kilts or adorn beautiful jewelry (brooches for example) or handles of daggers called “sgian dhu”. These traditional Highland daggers are worn inside the sock, so that the handle sticks out. Large crystals were found in Brazil (over 300 kilos) and also in the Swiss Valais, where a smoky quartz crystal weighing 600 kilos was discovered in 1757. The Smithsonian Institution, a famous museum in Washington, has in its collections of gems, a faceted cut crystal of 4500 carats, weighing 900 grams. The quartr owes its name to the ancient Greek krustallos which means ice, compared to the generally accepted idea that quartz is ice made by the gods. In the twelfth century, smoky quartz was used in the form of glasses, in China, as part of the making of the first sunglasses.



Physical virtues:


The smoky quartz stone, would help to fight against smoking (as well as any other form of addiction, such as alcohol or drugs). Indeed, it protects the bronchi and the lungs by allowing the elimination of the accumulated tar. This elimination can cause attacks of cough when the vibrating cilia of the trachea and the bronchi are put back in place to resume their role of filtration. It also has the ability to strengthen connective tissue and muscles (especially the heart), as well as the kidneys, pancreas and genitals. It would also have a natural positive effect on fertility.



Psychic virtues:


It is seen as the stone of responsibility and refocusing. Thus, it would help to calm overly strong emotions that prevent thought from being effective, and would improve lucidity and concentration. It helps us to think better and to get rid of irrational fears, anxieties, internal contradictions, of which we are trapped.

It also improves self-confidence but also the ability to open up to others.

It would have a positive effect on us, allowing us to make the right decisions. It would chase away negative thoughts and fight sadness. It would allow its bearer to refocus its energies on accessible objectives, in order to avoid failure and disillusionment. For people with mood disorders, it would offer stabilization. It would help us connect more often to our bodies and listen to the messages it sends us (such as hunger, thirst, instinct, the need to rest), in order to keep our health and balance. It would teach us to integrate Light and Matter energies into our being at the same time. It is the interface, the conciliator and the link between light frequencies and material frequencies.

It is the natural link between all the opposing energies. Very effective, this stone immerses you in the center of the matter / anti-matter encounter and helps you to precisely feel the connections between the subtle and material planes. It develops in you the ability to understand the meaning of oppositions and diversity in order to find harmony. This stone gives you access to letting go by bringing you deep tolerance. The idea is to no longer separate things, so that they no longer clash.










You can place it in an amethyst geode or a block of quartz or also in unsalted water.



Charge :


Sun, heap of quartz.





Aries for the Moiron, the darkest of smoky quartz, while the lighter varieties are attached to the signs of Scorpio, Libra and Capricorn

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