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  • Photo du rédacteurAge de Gemme

Useful information to fight against Covid-19

Here are some tips to fight more effectively against the new coronavirus which, for some time now, has been making life difficult for us. This information, gleaned from various Chinese sites, is particularly interesting for all those who, like us, think that whatever we do, sooner or later we will have to learn to live with the virus rather than spend our life to hide behind walls, or to wait for the opinion of experts who have now proven that, in the end, they understand nothing.

Advice for isolated hospitals that we can also implement at home. Here is a list of simple items that can be easily found everywhere to follow on a daily basis:

1- Vitamin C 1000mg.

2- Vitamin E.

3- From 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes.

4- Egg meal once a day.

5- Rest and/or sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours.

6- Drink 1.5 liters of water every day.

7. All meals should be eaten hot (not cold).

That's all Chinese field hospitals do to boost the immune system.

It should be noted that the pH of the new coronavirus is acidic. Therefore, all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to eat more alkaline than acid (the main element that the virus feeds on to grow). Choose all fresh fruits and vegetables.

How do you know that you have been infected with the new coronavirus?

1- Irritated throat.

2- Dry throat.

3- Dry cough.

4- High body temperature.

5- Shortness of breath.

6- Loss of smell.

Hot lemon water can eliminate the virus when the virus has not yet infected the lungs.

Don't keep this information to yourself, pass it on to your family and friends.

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