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Peridot Olivine


Main mineral of the mantle greater than about 50 to 70%. Under the constraint of the movements of the lithosphere plates and the deformation of the mantle, it is a stone which can orient itself differently and deform. Other name: Chrysolite, Olivine.

Pierre who is part of the group of olivines.


Iron or magnesium silicate (Mg, Fe) 2 SiO4. Its chemical formula sails between the magnesian pole of the forsterite Mg2SiO4 (pale yellow green to olive green color) and the ferrous pole of the fayalite Fe2SiO4 (brown green color): the Peridot is in between, its composition is therefore variable. It does not resist acid attacks. Its fracture is conchoidal.


Translucent or transparent stone.


Hardness: 6.5 to 7. Density: 3.27 to 4.37.


When exposed to the weather, its color often changes to reddish brown (iron oxidation).


Deposits: Burma, Red Sea, Brazil, Norway, Afghanistan, South Africa, Australia, Burma, Zaire, USA. Zebiguert in Egypt.


Crystal system: Orthorhombic





Corresponding to the planet Venus, to the element Earth, it is a symbol of serenity, purity and love. Stone used in the Middle Ages to decorate objects of worship. It was used to ward off evil spirits, evil spells or the evil eye.

Wearing a peridot can attract love at first sight.

Physical virtues:

Anti-fatigue properties. Suppresses heart pain, strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation.

Calms anxiety and stress, helps sleep.

Effective against eczema, rashes, acne. Also calms insect bites.

Has a powerful detoxifying power and helps eliminate toxins. Treats the liver, gallbladder, intestines (constipation). Facilitates digestion. Good for the eyes.

Strengthens bones. Good effect in tissue regeneration.

Very stimulating for people sensitive to time.



Psychic virtues:


Symbol of simplicity, joy, it helps to dispel melancholy. Symbol of wealth. wealth. Promotes clairvoyance. Protects the aura and cleanses the subtle bodies. Healer's Stone.

Help in manic-depressive disorders, hypochondria.

Protects us from the influences of our fellow men.

Would be helpful in calming jealousy, resentment and bitterness, anger, and even nastiness.



Chakra & use:


Subordinate to the Heart.

In delicate application morning and evening, in oil loaded with several peridots (use an olive oil 1st cold pressing and leave to load for 12 hours) for skin disorders.





Running water. Purifications rarely necessary because the peridot is very resistant to negative energies.



Charge :





Special features:


The peridot must be used alone in contact stone because it does not tolerate the presence of other stones, but unlike the emerald (which loses its properties on contact with other stones), its forces are increased tenfold, so that they can divert the desired therapeutic objectives by dominating the other stones present.





Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

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