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Silicon dioxide SiO2. nH2O, formed of silicic acid and water, by precipitation of silicate water but at low temperature, so that it has no crystalline structure.


Hardness 5.5 to 6.5. Density 1.8 to 2.3.


Glassy to resinous luster, transparent to translucent, of very variable color: colorless, milky white, gray, red, brown, blue and green ... Mainly milky white with multicolored iridescence.


Deposits: Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary.


Crystal system: amorphous (cluster aggregates)





The name “Opal” comes from “Opalus”, which means “to observe a color change”.

In Roman times, it was worn as a talisman because it was said that it brought good luck and luck to its owner. Even today it is still considered as such in many cultures.

This stone has the reputation of testifying to the state of mind of the person who wears it (or his state of health). A very toned person will make the opal they wear even more radiant. But a nervous, sick, anxious person will tarnish his opal. This is the reason why it is a stone which can only be worn by people of strong character and strong temperament. It is even said that if weakened people wear it it can become harmful and bring bad luck. It is also called "the stone of tears"

Yet it is considered to be a lucky charm ("stone of hope"). With its 7 tones and 7 colors, it passes for the stone of artists and musicians.



Physical virtues:


White opal promotes sleep.

Effective for stomach, digestion, gastric disorders.

Gray opal: strengthens and strengthens the heart and blood circulation.

It also strengthens the parasympatic system as well as the nervous system.

It would also activate the gallbladder.

Pink Andes opal can help relieve feverishness in case of flu. But also respiratory ailments and viral infections.

Turquoise blue Andes opal is excellent for the skin it regenerates.

Stone useful at the time of menopause because it rebalances the hormonal system.

Stimulates the production of blood cells (useful in leukemia).

It has beneficial effects on the kidneys and bladder that it regulates.



Psychic virtues:


"The white opal reflects the truth." It places us in front of our inner life, our mind and our thoughts.

It is the symbol of loving tenderness, purity of feelings, shared trust and above all loyalty, romantic dreams and intuition.

It strengthens our qualities.

It gives us joy, clarity and intuition.

Black opal soothes our anxieties caused by darkness and our depressions.

It prevents apathy and lethargy.



Chakra & use:


For the Coronal chakra.

Direct application on the part of the body concerned.

Do not wear with any other stone because very powerful.

Applied to the Solar chakra, it promotes access to the astral body.



Cleaning :


Often immerse it in water.



Charge :


Not too long in the sun. The bath can be placed in moonlight for gentle recharging and in sunlight to give it strength, radiance and luminosity.





Claire: Pisces, Cancer. Black: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio.

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