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Tiger Eye


Genesis: pegmatites, hydrothermal veins, Alpine type veins, sediments. Stone formed of crocidolite, itself a variety of riébéckite, family of asbestos, coated in quartz or partially replaced by silica. It belongs to the variety of microcrystalline quartz.


It is of a fibrous structure resulting from the pseudomorphosis of quartz after crocidolite tinted or altered by iron oxides Fe, or resulting from the formation of elongated crystals of silica which would have formed in fractures opening and closing in several covered during the training. Chemistry: Si02- (Fe) (Na) or Fe, Si8O22 (OH) 2. Very complex formula.


Irregular break. Good resistance to impact and heat but very sensitive to acids.


Color: Opaque stone; its shimmering color can range from brownish yellow to brownish red.


Hardness: 7. Density: 2.64 to 2.71


Deposit: Burma, South Africa, United States, Australia, Brazil, India, Mexico


Crystal system: Rhombohedral, rare in the state of crystals.





The color of the Tiger's eye is at the origin of its name, indeed the characteristic colors of this stone (shimmering shades of golden yellow and brown) make one think of the iris and the tiger's robe. Because of its symbolism, the tiger was the ideal animal to designate this stone, since it embodies strength and protection, mainly in Chinese culture.

Since the Middle Ages, this stone has been used as protection, mounted in a talisman. It was also used to obtain luck, goods.

Finally, in Scotland, the tiger's eye symbolized prosperity, and it was said to bring wealth to anyone who wore this stone.

According to traditions, it protects snakes, vampires and spells. It is said that the Tiger's eye is in the mineral world what garlic is in the vegetable world.



Physical virtues:


Strengthens bones and joints. Works at the knees: very good stone for the joint.

Sensitivity to cold. It warms the body and the respiratory tract. Provides a feeling of warmth and gives good results when cooled.

Has a soothing effect in case of shortness of breath, asthma and bronchitis. Headache.

Elixir: The tiger's eye is favorable to the organs of digestion because it regulates the nervous system around the solar plexus and relieves the pains of the lower abdomen such as the nodes of stomach or intestine. Groin pains. Fights intestinal cramps.

Strengthens the liver and slows down the action of bacteria.

Indicated for stressed people: strengthens the solar plexus.

It promotes alignment of the spine.

It amplifies visual acuity, improves night vision.

Used to treat eye conditions.



Psychic virtues:


Allows emotional release. Fight against depression (with chrysolite).

Valuable help for all those who meet financial difficulties, and have doubts, because it drives out the doubt and it helps not to give up, it brings motivation, perseverance. Puts us in step with reality, the concrete, gives us will. Allows us to have a fair view of internal problems: suddenly gives a better self-knowledge. It allows us to feel safe.

It is a stone that gives dynamism, helps in contact with others, encourages friendship. Stimulates people who are weak in will and without courage.

Calms nerves: helps focus thoughts and mind when you tend to stray from the subject and in case of inattention. It therefore allows good concentration and is very useful when resuming studies. Excellent for school children.

The tiger eye also gives great independence of mind, autonomy, freedom to think, with great strength of character, self-confidence and a lot of flexibility. He fights frozen thoughts. It therefore allows you to dare and move forward, to evolve.



Chakra & use:


To carry with you. During an examination, place the stone in front of you.

As an elixir to drink.





The tiger's eye has a mirror effect: it reflects negative energies towards its transmitter. As a result, it has a protective and, in a way, educational effect: it makes people aware of the harm that an ill-intentioned person does to those around him by making him suffer it. Physical and mental influences: protection of the person against negative influences.

Protection of homes (entrance doors, corners of the house), heritage.



Cleaning :


Two to three times a month under running water.



Charge :


Sun for 2 to 3 hours.





Gemini, Virgo, Lions.





Variant Bull's Eye



Protective stone par excellence, the bull's eye is an active shield, very powerful, unlike the tiger's eye. The shield is a defensive, protective and symbolic "weapon", the bull's eye also allows a more direct "action" of awareness of negative actions. The "aggressor" becomes aware of his actions!



Physical virtues:


Stone of physical flexibility. Back problems. Its color brings warmth, strength and physical dynamism. It gives more strength than the tiger eye. Joints (flexibility).

Is very useful for athletes because it strengthens and consolidates the entire structure of the body. Very powerful, it will give energy resources and strength to support physical effort as long as possible.

Allows relaxation without losing tone.

Digestive disorders: Due to its protective action, it relieves stress and can thus avoid the secretion of gastric acidity. It can be used as an elixir or worn on the plexus.

Warming, stimulating and regulating the circulatory system.



Psychic virtues:


Specifically used to acquire strength and courage. Stimulates the survival instinct, encourages in its businesses

The brown of the stone brings Energy and promotes anchoring.

Effects: stabilizing, rooting on the ground, stable and strong personality, even bored.

This stone is a mirror and acts like a mirror, it sends back the negative to its transmitter and makes him aware of the harm he inflicts on others.

The Bull's Eye brings luck, more self-confidence, autonomy, greater strength of character.

For protection you can carry in your pocket, a Bull's Eye with a black Tourmaline, and a moldavite.



Chakra & use:


Root Chakra par excellence





Protects against the evil eye, and protects places of life. It reflects negative energies towards its transmitter. Avoid all the little annoyances of everyday life.

Gives a sense of security to those who wear it. It would neutralize the effect of tellurism in houses.

It protects material goods from theft: Bull's eye or tiger's eye above the entrance doors, this bars the access of the house to negative waves.



Cleaning :





Charge :







Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Lion, Capricorn.





Hawk Eye variant



Stone which symbolizes the guardian angel who sees everything. In the Irish Celts, the Falcon's eye favors the evolution in stages of the primordial being, in the Peruvian shamans, it makes evolve the spirit of the animal towards the human spirit and in the Egyptians, it is the stone of Horus.



Physical virtues:


Strengthens and maintains our visual faculties, calms tired and irritated eyes (in front of a computer), conjunctivitis. Myopia or presbyopia. Prevents cataracts. Active in eye injuries, cataracts, color blindness: powerful and effective effect. Sense of observation, precision of vision, with sustained attention.

Against severe headaches, migraines, acute or chronic.

Suppresses asthmatic discomfort (breathing difficulties). Good breathing regulator, purifies the bronchi, soothes hoarseness (excellent stone for singers, speakers ...)



Psychic virtues:


Helps stabilize us and gain greater self-awareness.

Tolerance towards us even in case of excess. Open your mind to new ideas, stimulate listening to others. For people who are very conservative, narrow-minded, withdrawn from their convictions.

Excellent for meditation. Builds self-confidence, but with respect for others. Develops will.

It increases intuition and clairvoyance, it also provides the faculty of feeling lies and attempts to deceive.

Adequately placed in the house, it can be used to provide abundance.



Chakra & use:


Subordinate to the 3rd eye chakra. But strong relationship also with Root chakra and throat chakra. Carry it with you.



Cleaning :


Under running water several times a month.



Charge :


Under the sun.





Heritage. It is also a stone of protection, against the negative energies of computers (to be placed on the desk).





Capricorn, Gemini, Aquarius.

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