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The mokaïte jasper stone is a dark red stone with shades of yellow, brown and white. It is made up of layers generally having different colors.

Jasper is made of silicon oxide, like agate, so we can confuse them. But the distinction is relatively easy to make, since the structure of the jasper is grainy and opaque while the agate is rather crystalline.

Chemical composition: SiO2 + Fe, O, OH

Hardness: 6.5 - 7

Crystal system: Rhombohedral

Origin: Australia





This stone is native to Australia. It was discovered at Mooka Creek, and was of great value to the Aboriginal people who gave it magical healing properties. In the Aboriginal language, "Mookaïte" means "living waters". It can also be called Windalia Radiolarite. The Mokaïte jasper comes from the base of Australia but there are some deposits in South Africa and Brazil.



Physical virtues:


Suppresses stuttering and tremors that occur as a result of emotional shock.

Fight against water retention.

The japse has an effect on the blood circulation, it thins the blood and also has a regenerative effect of red and white blood cells. It can actually help strengthen your immune system, so if you're sick, it can be useful to have this stone with you.

In addition, it has an influence on the digestive system. Thus, it can help lose weight because it plays a role in the phases of food assimilation.



Psychic virtues:


Promotes change and experiences.

Beneficial for people who have to make decisions or who have to make important choices.

Helps us reach our goals.

Brings great serenity.

Establishes a good balance.

Ideal for soothing emotional excesses and channeling them.

Balance the yin yang.

Purifies the aura of negative energies.

Acts as a shield by repelling harmful influences.

Restore self-confidence.

Useful for nervous people.

Soothes fears and stress.

Beneficial for dreams.

Promotes meditation.

Useful for creativity, a new job ...

Protective stone.

Preserve from the evil eye.

Lets get in touch with the world beyond.

Evokes the mental flexibility and energetic fluidity of the meridians.

Help lonely people, people going through mourning ...

Helps to free oneself from blockages.

Helps with concentration.

Promotes anchoring.

Having an important relationship with land and water, this stone is of calm and peaceful company.



Chakra and use:


Basic chakra, solar plexus chakra, 3rd Eye chakra.

The mokaïte jasper or Australian jasper helps with concentration, do not hesitate to always have a stone on you in case of exams or during an important meeting.

Jaspers are stones of low power which act only in the long term, it is advisable to carry them with you permanently.





Running water.



Charge :


Recharge in the sun, on a heap of quartz, in an amethyst geode.





Libra, Capricorn.

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