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Magnetite is a mineral species composed of iron oxide II, III, ferrimagnetic, of formula Fe (II) O.Fe (III) 2O3 with traces of magnesium Mg, zinc Zn, manganese Mn, nickel Ni, chromium Cr, titanium Ti, vanadium V and aluminum Al. It is part of the spinel group and forms a series with magnesioferrite and jacobsite. It forms typically octahedral, more rarely dodecahedral, exceptionally cubic crystals, which can reach almost 25 cm.


Iron oxide: Fe3 O4. 72% iron. Its magnetism is high. Semi-metallic black luster.


Density 5.5 to 6.5.


Deposits: Austria, Elba, North Sweden, South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Finland, France, Russia, USA, ...


Crystal system: Free or included cubic crystals in the rock (octahedra and rhombododecahedra).





Magnetite has been known since at least the Iron Age. The first written mention dates from Pliny the Elder in 77. Also called Pierre du Nord and used as a lucky charm.

We agree today to consider that it was the Chinese who discovered the ability of a magnetized metal rod to always point in the same direction.

For them, the magnetic needle indicated the south, the direction towards which the emperor, seated with the back to the north, looked at him. This property of magnetite was used very early (perhaps even before our era) in an instrument composed of a sort of square plate and a "needle" in the shape of a tablespoon cut out of magnetite. It was mainly used in the context of divinatory art and geomancy.

It was thanks to this ability to transmit sensitivity to terrestrial magnetism to a metal needle, that we could finally discover the world beyond the sea horizon. The needle thus magnetized always seems to point in the same direction (in reality, it tends to align with the lines of force of the magnetic field of the Earth). To magnetize the needles, we have long used large embedded crystals called "mounted magnet stones"

Pliny the Elder quotes Nicandre de Colophone, who said that a shepherd named Magnesia had noticed that the nails of his shoes and the iron point of his stick remained stuck to the rocks of the Mount. Another explanation for the designation would come from the name of Mount Magnetos ("Great Mount"), a Greek mountain particularly rich in this mineral, and especially from the Greek magnesium which means "magnet".

The story about the iron nails of ships, allegedly torn off by the force of attraction of the rocks of certain islands, is told by several ancient sources, both Mediterranean and oriental.



Physical virtues:


Strongly magnetic, it is used for rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, fractures, stiffness in the neck regions and diseases of the joints. Suppresses cramps. True root chakra dopant (determinant for muscles and venous network)

Heals trauma and injuries.

Pain in knees and bones.

Very good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever .

Tones blood circulation and nerves.

Provides our body with heat and energy and thus stimulates cell regeneration.

Also effective in respiratory diseases, lung diseases and its inflammations.



Psychic virtues:


Compensatory and communicative, she helps in dialogue. Couple problems. Develops the capacity for seduction.

Restores balance between the base chakras and the upper chakras.

Repairs the energetic body.

Connect utopians and dreamers to the earth. Allows anchoring.





Homes. Protects from bewitchments.



Chakra & use:


For diseases like rheumatism, it is advisable to apply it directly to the place of pain.

Root. Sacred.



Cleaning :


Dry sea salt.



Charge :


Dry sea salt.





Capricorn, Aquarius.

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