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Magnesite is a mineral species composed of magnesium carbonate of formula MgCO3 with traces of iron Fe, manganese Mn, calcium Ca, cobalt Co, nickel N and organic compounds. Mg2 SiO4 magnesium silicate.


White, yellowish or bluish.


Hardness: 3.7 to 4.2. Density: 3 to 3.1


Deposits: Austria, Silesia, Piedmont, Germany, Australia, France, Brazil


Crystal system: Rhombohedral





To date, no legend has reached us ???



Physical virtues:


Dehydrating effect, which accelerates weight loss.

Cellulite, water retention and cholesterol are its indications.

Stimulates the thyroid gland. Also heals warts.

Purifies the body of environmental poisons, toxins, strengthens our respiratory organs. Detoxifying properties.

Would be of great help in the early stages of cancer, and gallstones.

Useful in diseases of the frontal sinus. Calms tensions and migraines.

In case of pregnancy, it strengthens the uterus and teeth.

Magnesite + red jasper and rock crystal immersed in a 1 dl glass of water = drink this liquid in the morning on an empty stomach = to lose weight.



Psychic virtues:


Effective against depression, nervous tension, excitability, hypersensitivity and anxiety.

Gives harmony and increases the faculties of expression (eloquence), patience and speed of mind.

Develop intuition and understanding.



Chakra & use:


Elixir as a compress on the body or as a drink.



Cleaning :


Running water.



Charge :








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