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Larimar - Pectolite Copper


Larimar, or Copper Pectolite, is one of the quartz silicates. It is blue, green or gray, with white veins.


Hydrated calcium and sodium silicate NaCa2Si3O8 (OH).


Hardness: 6-7.


Deposits: Dominican Republic.


Crystal system: Triclinic.





It comes from the association of the first name of an islander (Larissa) with the Spanish word “mar” (sea). It is said that the Larimar is the stone of the Atlanteans. (It is near the island of Dominica that we find the lost civilization of Atlantis). Pectolite: from the Greek "pectos" (put together).





The Larimar deposit was discovered in 1974 and exploited only from 1976 by local inhabitants who had noticed a light blue color at the bottom of a river which flowed into the Caribbean Sea. "By going upstream on foot, they discovered the vein located upstream, at the top of a mountain covered with tropical vegetation. Her name comes from the contraction of the first name Larissa (daughter of one of the two discoverers) and "Mar", the Caribbean Sea seen from the mine. "

"The discovery of this deposit had been predicted by the medium Edgar Cayce in his time. He announced the discovery of a blue stone like Caribbean water which would be essential to the energy needs of Man when we find it. "

"The Larimar is used for the manufacture of jewelry: it is an exceptional jewel because of its rarity as much as its color, this stone is very sought after because it represents the essence of air and water or more symbolically thoughts and feelings. "



Physical virtues:


Very often used in reflexology, the Larimar would detect deficient points on the meridians, and energize them (drainage of the liver, spleen and gallbladder.) Some say that by using it to massage under the feet, it activates and energizes the energy points.

Reconstituting effect on the entire physical body.

Stimulates vital centers and promotes self-healing.

Its soft vibration is energizing and harmonizing because it strengthens the functioning of the adrenals.

As it strengthens the functioning of the adrenals, this promotes the rise of milk and regenerates the reproductive organs.

Stone to wear around her neck for a woman recently given birth.



Psychic virtues:


Transmits positive and restorative energies. Allows the soul to flourish and enjoy all the beauties of life; it gives a positive attitude to everyday life. It facilitates meditative states during relaxation sessions.

Allows harmonization of the emotional plane. It gives back the joy of living, so it allows you to have a positive attitude towards everyday life. By soothing the mind, the thoughts, it leads to inner peace.

Help materialize our ideas and apply our knowledge to everyday life.

"The volcanic rock where the Larimar comes from has cooled before being projected outside; this means that it can cause the same process here: the pressure can drop by itself and calm down, before exploding and getting angry. "

Its very pure energy acts especially on the etheric body.

Soft and feminine, it acts in depth on domineering men. It blurs their tendencies towards sexism: the softness of this stone encourages attentive tenderness for the other.

Enriches human relationships by opposing misinterpretations of the couple's dialogues (Solar Chakra)

If you have anger against yourself or the others, stone to wear around your neck (near the laryngeal chakra = I forgive myself, I forgive others). Aggressive communication will gradually be avoided.



Chakra & use:


5th chakra, throat, with chalcedony and turquoise to harmonize (facilitate communication with others in a harmonious way and also to listen to your own inner guide).

In application in the hand with the two crystals. With a pink stone for the heart, and the Larimar on the larynx, balance of the two chakras.


Purification :


1 time per week under running water or physiological serum, brief washing, rinsing with clear water



Charge :


In the sun for an hour (Recharging by exposure to a blue sky).





Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

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