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Lapis Lazuli


Lapis Lazuli means blue stone in Arabic. This magnificent light blue to deep stone dotted with golden glitter has always attracted the interest of men. Formerly known as blue pigment in paint, it was reduced to powder mixed with oil, today more known by jewelry and people using lithotherapy for its energetic virtues. Lapis Lazuli comes mainly from the Middle East and Afghanistan deposits.


In what form :


In stores we find it worked in the form of jewelry, pearls, like lapis lazuli bracelets, necklaces or pendants in lapis lazuli. The minerals in lithotherapy are also often carried in a pocket in the form of rolled (polished) stones. The raw lapis lazuli is placed on a piece of furniture because if it is carried in a pocket it would damage the clothes with its irregular edges.


Price: The price of lapis lazuli is quite expensive



Physical properties :


Feldspar group, Sodium aluminum silicate (NaCa) 8 (AlSi) 12O24 (S, SO4). Intense royal blue, it is an aggregate of various minerals with pyrite veins, coloring substances like lazurite, and calcite. Hardness 5 to 5.5. Density 2.4. Its break is irregular.

Deposits: Chile, Burma, Afghanistan. Russia, Lake Baikal.

Crystal system: Cubic





Lapis-Lazuli was already used as jewelry and adornment during Prehistory. In the Middle Ages, it was used ground as a paint pigment and was also used for dyeing fabrics. Among the Egyptians, it was the stone of the gods.



Physical virtues:


Great purifying force of the body.

Reveals deficiencies and physical and psychological problems: useful for establishing a diagnosis. Huge healing properties:

Relieves inflammation and swelling, removes cramps and headaches, lowers fever. Nervous migraines, with a few drops of HE of lavender or orange on the forehead before placing the stone.

Alleviates pain and resolves swelling. Multiple sclerosis.

Thyroid; strengthens the thymus and gives vitality. Very effective in the early stages of cancer.

Brittle hair and nails. Hair loss. (It acts on the regrowth of hair and nails, to be placed on the root chakra).

Effective against high blood pressures.

Relieves nerve pain and strengthens blood circulation. Water retention.

Relieves blockages in the throat (Hoarseness) by thinning phlegm.

It calms coughs, sore throats and sneezes (to be placed on the throat chakra or on the sinuses).

Eye infection, fever, allergies, hypertension, skin diseases, insect bites.



Psychic virtues:


Help with communication, dialogue. Gives lucidity and critical thinking. Frankness, humor and distributed. "Stone of the gods" uncloses the throat allowing the passage of the sacred word. Access to initiatory notions.

Remove anxiety and resolve blockages in the area of ​​emotions.

Used in the dangers of suicide.

Help to better assimilate our repressions.

Develops intuition, creativity, imagination.

This stone stimulates creativity, it contributes to the elevation of the spirit by making the clearer mind more concentrated.

It also plays a role in developing intuition, thus it helps to have a reflection full of wisdom, listening to facts and intuitions, in Egypt it was a stone of wisdom often carved in the shape of a scarab. It could be used by visionaries to sharpen their perception but also by the greatest number, a clear mind it does not hurt anyone!



Chakra & use:


3rd eye direct application. On throat, Direct application.

Elixir to drink and on Sun in direct application. On Coronal.

This stone should not be used in the bedroom.



Cleaning :


Demineralized, salted water



Charge :


Not too long in the sun. Mostly moon light





Sagittarius and Pisces. Aquarius.

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