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Group of feldspar.


Sodium and calcium aluminosilicate, Na (AlSiO8) Ca (Al2Si2O8), feldspar plagioclase, NaAlSi2O8 to CaAl2Si2O8, the proportions of calcium and sodium being variable.


Hardness 6. Density 2.6 to 2.8.


There are several types of Labradorite:

  • white Labradorite (looks like the Moonstone)

  • Golden Labradorite (Bytownite)

  • Larkivite (dark gray Norwegian Labradorite)

Blue gray with iridescent surface. The most powerful is blue shimmer. Very soft stone.


Deposits: The most numerous deposits are in Australia, Canada, Mexico and Russia. But also Madagascar, USA.


Crystal system: Triclinic





Its name recalls the region of Labrador in Canada, where it was discovered in the 18th century. The first Labradorite was brought back to Europe in 1775. "Among the Amerindians, the interior light of Labradorite is a reflection of celestial colors. As such, it rises above the world and is adorned with protection and divine secrets. . "



Physical virtues:


A changing stone, it adapts to everyone and brings us what we are looking for.

It protects the throat, the voice.

Activates our muscular system.

Effective for deformities of the spine because it rebalances the vertebrae. Give energy.

Stimulates blood circulation. Useful for rheumatism.

The most powerful there is, it activates the chakra of the hands very intensely. To do this, activate it every day for ten minutes.

It also helps during menopause because it balances hormones.



Psychic virtues:


Strengthens faculties of expression and suppresses the fluctuations of our moods. Creativity. Important role in the management of our memory: allows us to integrate our childhood especially when there was abuse. Verbalization of emotions. Self-healing: It is a transformation stone that prepares the body and the soul to transcend and really helps to solve old problems. Stimulates donations.

Protects against the problems of others and therefore allows them to be received and to be of good advice.

Promotes friendship and allows those who suffer from loneliness to create a circle of friends.

On the mental level, it strengthens our faculties of expression. Soothes our mood swings. Labradorite absorbs negative energies, dissolves them and protects its user.



Chakra & use:


Hand chakra.

Throat in direct application and / or in elixir in compress or gargle.





Protects from negative influences, heals the aura, plugs its gaps.





Running water twice a month.



Charge :


Under the sun.





Capricorn and Pisces, Cancer.

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