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Purple jade


This particular stone is only formed on the summit of Mount Fanjing, a nature reserve in Guizhou province. Mount Fanjing is located on the "Buddha track" and has collected the essence of nature for millions of years so that it can produce fine stones.


According to research, only Mount Fanjing produces purple Jade stones in the world to date, so these stones are still rarely mined.


Its exploitation is very regulated, in fact only a limited quantity is authorized to be taken each year by the Chinese government because of its rarity and its unique natural visual properties.

It is then worked in the Buddhist monastery of Fanjing mountain.


The "Purple Robe Jade Belt Stone - 紫袍 玉带 石 -" (not to be confused with Jade Violet), is a variety of nephrite jade and is composed of different layers of colors made of deep purple, layer of green, orange-red, white and other colors.


It is considered one of the most famous gemstones in China due to its magnificent ribbon and its fine and soft texture. It is as famous as the Bloodstone, the Shoushan stone and the Qinstian stone.


In addition to its properties linked to the fact that it is jade, purple jade surprises with its intense energetic vibration. Indeed, if you do not remain insensitive to its unusual visual, it is especially during its handling that you instantly understand that we are dealing with an exceptional stone. Its vibration synchronizes so naturally with the human body that it allows not only to provide the support and the energy complement that one expects, but also to "program" the quantity and the desired effects according to its needs.


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