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Epidote and Unakite

Chemical composition: Calcium and iron aluminosilicate


It should be noted that the Epidote is also the name of a group of minerals comprising 19 varieties including, among others, piedmontite, pistachite, clinozoite, tanzanite, tawmawite, thulite and zoisite.


Hardness: 6 - 7


The deposits are found in metamorphic rocks located mainly in Austria, France, Italy, Brazil, the United States and Pakistan.


Crystal system: Monoclinic


The name Epidote comes from the Greek word epidostis "translated" by "voluntary increase". In Ancient Greece, the epidostis was a free contribution that the city wished to receive from the citizens to meet extraordinary expenses.

Easily confused with tourmaline, it was not until 1802 that Abbé René-Just Haüy (1743-1822) succeeded in clearly differentiating them. It is his description of the epidote that was retained by the IMA (Internationale Mineralogical Association), although Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de l'Isle (1736-1790), French naturalist and crystallographer, studied it for years early, just like Jean-Claude Delamétherie (or La Métherie or de Lamétherie, 1743-1817), French mineralogist and geologist.



Physical virtues:


Above all, these stones find their main place on the heart that they relieve.

Epidote: This stone is an ally to increase energy (immune system), strengthens the physical body by harmonizing and regulating metabolism.

Rich in calcium, to be used in case of bone problems.

The Epidote facilitates digestion by balancing the gastrointestinal system.

It is also excellent for the skin (in water energized with the stone).

Calming, the Epidote releases negativity, elevating the mind to a higher vibration.

It helps to overcome the vagaries of life by filling us with courage, freeing us from our fears and our limitations.

It is useful in cases of extreme fatigue and convalescence.

The epidote stimulates the liver, regulates the digestive system and is effective against cystitis.

She accompanies in case of bone problems and decalcification.


psychic properties:


The epidote balances the energy of the heart, consoles heartache and helps us not to behave like a victim.

She helps to make decisions in truth with her heart.

It teaches gratitude.

It is stone that teaches patience.

It teaches us to see the good side of things in all situations.

Purification: water, incense, in amethyst geode.

Recharging: in Quartz geode, in the sun.

Epidote is a fairly widespread mineral belonging to the group of silicates. Transparent to opaque, its color ranges from pistachio green to pale green, from yellowish green to greenish yellow, greenish black. Gem quality crystals are relatively rare. Most often this mineral is almost opaque.




Unakite, on the other hand, is a rock made up of several minerals including epidote, orthosis and quartz.

The name of this stone comes from the Unakas Range (Unicoi en Cherokee), mountain range between North Carolina and Tennessee, in the United States. Due to its composition, the Unakite is not recognized by the IMA.

Unakite is part of the large grain granite family. Opaque and mottled in appearance, it comes in many shades of green, from pink to orange, with gray / white to transparent crystals.

Unakite is a metamorphic rock. During its transformation, the plagioclase (feldspar) that was in the granite metamorphoses into an epidote, which then produces a rock composed of green epidote, pink to orange orthosis and clear quartz to bluish gray.

When the Unakite is of good quality, it is then considered a fine stone and its polish makes it perfect for use in jewelry.


The main deposits are found in the United States, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and China.


A third stone containing epidote is called epidotitis or epidosite. It is then a rock formed of epidote and quartz (without orthosis).



Physical virtues;


Stimulating, it is beneficial for future mothers during pregnancies.

It is also very useful during convalescence after trauma and / or serious illness.

It regulates the activity of the bladder, kidneys, liver and intestines.



Psychic virtues:


The Unakite releases anger and anxiety by bringing appeasement, relieves the emotional heart by freeing it from its wounds. It encourages tolerance and gentleness, by developing patience and perseverance.

It is said that by wearing a Unakite, the stone helps us to find the lost objects.





Heart chakra





Water, salt.



Charge :


Sun / Moon or cluster of crystals.





Programmable stone within the limits of its properties.







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