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The disthene which is called Cyanite, Kyanite, Rhaeticite or Munkrudite according to the elements incorporated by substitution in their structure is a mineral of category IX: silicates, of crude formula AI 2 SiO 5.


Cyanite takes a fairly wide range of colors, from colorless to black through white, gray, green, blue, pink or even yellow. Belonging to the triclinic crystalline system, Cyanite has a scaly break, a white line and a luster which can be glassy or pearly. Transparent to translucent stone, it has a density of 3.53 to 3.65.


The hardness of Cyanite is quite particular insofar as it varies according to the direction of elongation. It has, in fact, a hardness of the order of 7.5 in the direction of elongation while this hardness falls to 4.5 on the Mohs scale in the perpendicular direction.

The most remarkable deposits of Cyanite are found in Brazil, in North America (United States and Canada), in Italy, in France, in Nepal…





The name Cyanite (or Kyanite) is due to Abraham Gottlob Werner who was inspired by the Greek term "kuanos" which means blue, to name the stone. The stone also has other names a little less known but which refer to the same mineral as sappare, blue talc, cyanite zeolite…

The fragility of Cyanite makes it a stone little used in jewelry. Some cultures in Central Asia still make jewelry with Cyanite. The result is often spectacular given the attractive aesthetics of the stone. But unfortunately, it is an ephemeral beauty or at least dependent on protection against impact or friction with hard materials which strongly and sometimes irreparably damage the stone. Today, the stone is often cut in rectangular crystals or in cabochon to be sold to collectors and lovers of beautiful stones.



Physical virtues:


Cyanite is said to help reduce blood pressure.

Its antiseptic power would help prevent infections.

Using cyanitis after surgery can promote healing and recovery.

Its use would also be recommended for bone bill cases.

It would also help treat physical trauma.



Psychic virtues:


Cyanite would be a stone with great energetic power, which transmits and amplifies spiritual energies. This faculty makes it a stone of balance and purification of the organism especially after the cases of trauma or spiritual affection due to negative influences and energies.

A very powerful stone, Cyanite can help draw on mental resources to take stock with yourself and better accept yourself.
An anti-stress stone, it would calmly help find solutions to all kinds of everyday problems.

Soothing for anxiety and buried fears, Cyanite promotes deep sleep and restorative for both the mind and the body.

Stone of intuition and self-acceptance, it promotes both meditation and the interpretation of dreams.





Cyanite is favorable to the Third Eye, Throat and Heart chakras.





The purification of Cyanite is done infrequently, given the resilience of the stone to negativity. Just immerse it in demineralized water without any additives for a few hours.



Charge :


Moonbeams or Quartz clusters.





Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.

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