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Quartz crystal: Silicon dioxide, SiO2.


Family of quartz. Hardness: 7.


Natural Citrines are relatively rare. Transparent yellow, ranging from yellow green to gold brown. Color due to iron trioxide. Amethysts heated to 250 ° become citrines. Instead, use light yellow to golden yellow Citrines, even shades of ocher. It's their natural color. Citrines with overly strong, orange or brown undertones are often Amethysts which have been heated and have thus lost some of their capacity.


Deposits: The most numerous deposits are found in Brazil, Spain, Madagascar and the USA.


Crystal system: Rhombohedral





Citrine comes from the French "citrin" which designates the yellow color of lemon, which in turn refers to the Latin "citreum". "Known since 4000 BC in Iran, Egypt and India, this mineral was mainly used during the Greek and Roman period, as a decorative material. According to South American shamans, it eliminates the limits of man and gives him vitality physical and psychic. "



Physical virtues:


Physical doping: tones the body and removes fatigue.

Relief in case of diabetes, metabolic disease and glandular problems (to be used as an elixir).

Strengthens the immune system, the intestine, regulates digestion, heartburn, constipation (to be applied to the spleen and pancreas).

Beneficial for the liver and kidneys.

Against poisoning, toxins in the blood and tiredness of the abdominal belt (kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas).

It also strengthens the heart and circulation.

Clear the lungs and facilitate good breathing.



Psychic virtues:


Mental drug addict: stone for exams, cramming; removes fatigue and helps with concentration, strengthens memory. Develop strength and intelligence.

Stimulates the imagination.

Develops dynamism and stubbornness.

It radiates joy and good humor, warms the spirit.

Effective for depression, nervousness, anxiety.

Keep anxiety away.

Combats introversion of feelings and negative ideas.

Citrine helps build personality and fight vulnerability.



Chakra & use:


Root and sacred.

Solar in direct application.

Heart in direct application.



Protection, Special features:


In the environment, citrine diffuses a positive and invigorating energy. It is particularly recommended in a sick or convalescent room.



Cleaning :


Distilled water.



Charge :


A lot of sun.





Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio.

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