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Copper hydrosilicate, blue green (Cu, Al) 2H2Si2O5 (OH) 4 · nH2O.

It fills the cracks in copper ore most of the time.

Hardness: 2 to 4 (depends on the silica content.)

Density: 2 to 2.4

Deposits: Chile, United States, Italy, Arizona, Nevada, Peru, Russia, Zaire

Crystal system: No crystals (amorphous botrytoid aggregates)





It is the stone of "fertility". It is also called "Pierre d'Eilat" when it contains malachite and turquoise.

In China, it symbolizes the receptacle of divine designs, in Egypt, it represents the reunion of souls and among the Indians of South America it is the symbol of the fertilizing water of the forest.



Physical virtues:


Calms the nerves, soothes excitement and overworking sensations, brings tranquility.

Has a refreshing side: helps lower fever, soften burns and abrasions.

Rheumatism, arthritis and back pain (to be placed on the solar plexus chakra), any inflammatory condition. Strengthens muscles and relieves cramps and spasms.

Promotes digestive functions (gallbladder, stomach, intestine, kidneys). It alleviates cystitis.

Reduces menstrual disorders (place it on painful areas), alleviates pain after birth, helps prevent premature births and miscarriages. Balance our hormones.

Calms hoarseness and sore throats and helps fight against sore throat (to be placed on the throat chakra). Protects the throat, pharynx and thyroid gland.



Psychic virtues:


Very positive stone that strengthens friendship: chases resentments, allows a tolerant attitude and inclines to forgiveness.

Harmonize during strong emotions, states of anger or irritability.

Give serenity, peace, kindness, tolerance. Promotes our sensitivity and strengthens our intuition. Harmonizing. Also facilitates understanding and dialogue, it is the stone of communication (to be placed on the throat chakra).

Useful when tension, which can be caused by fear or emotional shock, creates excessive gossip or an uncontrolled laughter reflex.



Chakras and use:


Neck, larynx: facilitates understanding and dialogue, it is a stone of communication.

Direct application on sacred chakra and Sex chakra: soothes the ailments of women during menstruation.
Activate the chakras on which it is placed.





Love, friendship, forgiveness. Against the influence of others. Excellent in a room where discord reigns: creates peace, understanding and tolerance in atmospheres disturbed by distrust, jealousy and resentment.





It can be purified energetically by placing it on a bed of coarse salt for several hours, it can also be purified by leaving it immersed in distilled water or at least water without lime for several hours. Avoid contact with perfume and makeup.



Charge :


sun or natural light.





Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

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