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It is found in the massive syenite, in metasomatic rocks, formed between 200-250 degrees enriched by carbon and potassium in contact with limestone massif.


Charoïte (pronounced tcharoïte) is a rare mineral species from the group of silicates, subgroup of inosilicates of formula: K5Ca8 (Si6O15) 2 (Si2O7) Si4O9 (OH) · 3 (H2O) with traces of Aluminum Al; Iron Fe; Manganese Mn; strontium Sr; barium Ba.


Color: Its color is typical and unique: bright lavender, violet, lilac and white gray. Glassy to pearly luster. No cleavage.


Density: 2.54 - 2.58. Hardness: 5.5 to 6.


Deposits: relatively rare stone and found only in Siberia (Russia)


Crystal system: Prismatic Monoclinic (Triclinic)





The origin of its name comes from the name of the Chara river in Siberia: it was discovered in the 1940s but it will not be described by the Russian mineralogist, Rogova & al until 1978. The Chara river is a tributary of the Oliomka, tributary of the Léna, Aldan Massif, Yakoutierpublic of Sakha.

However, traces of shamanic traditions have been found among the peasants of the Urals, traces reminiscent of the cults rendered to Bacchus by the Greeks. It symbolizes the spiritualization of man freed from the constraints of the flesh.

It is in Russia that we find the most beautiful specimens it seems. Collectors particularly like it because the rough stones are very beautiful.



Physical virtues:


Stimulating defenses against diseases: therefore strengthens the immune system. Restores energy to the body, and also purifies the aura.

It strengthens the heart. Insomnia, effective in the event of nightmare, somnambulism, night anxieties. Gives a restful, restorative sleep.

On the crown chakra: helps eliminate fever.

Action on the sinuses.

Beneficial action on the purifying functions of the liver.



Psychic virtues:


Stimulates the intellect. Relaxes, relaxes, encourages you to stay Zen, from which you can overcome frustrations or obsessions (including compulsive: in this case, to be placed on the 3rd eye). Charoïte decreases stress and anxiety, frees the mind: develops observation and analysis, while stimulating sensitivity to feelings.

Help manage all destabilizing events. Clarify situations and support in this process.

Helps to accept the inevitable, both good and bad. It is a stone that can help us in difficult times, by protecting us from fears, worries, but also by showing us the realities.

It transmutes uneasiness into well being and transforms negative energy into healing, which purifies the unconscious from its negative. Its role is therefore essential in psychotherapy or for any holistic therapy.



Chakra & use:


Heart chakra (4th Ch): re-structuring and strengthening action on the heart muscle.
Coronal chakra (7 th Ch): Causes sweating to eliminate fevers.

Third Eye Chakra: Eradicate obsessions, soothe obsessive compulsive disorder. It develops the olfactory sense, acts on the sinuses which it purifies.



Special features:


Spiritual stone, it elevates the vibrations towards higher realities, associated with the coronal chakra, purifying and cleaning both on the physical and subtle planes. It exacerbates the extrasensory qualities.





It protects from harmful radiation .



Cleaning :


Running water, no salt.



Charge :


Lunar light.





Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio.

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