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Variety of Garnet Enstatite with bronze luster. Other name: Enstatite (Wet or wet the instatite which contains a little iron takes a metallic aspect and a bronze color. One often speaks about bronzite, but the exact term would be rather altered enstatite.)


Appearance: Rare, short prismatic crystals. Usually in irregular grains or compact masses. greenish-brown or blackish color.

From the Pyroxenes family, this stone is composed of iron and magnesium.

Chemical composition: (Mg, Fe) 2 Si2 O6 or (Mg, Fe) Si O3 (Magnesium and iron silicate). Belongs to class VIII inosilicates (pyroxenes). Moderately heavy and hard.

Colors: Bronze, for Cat's eye bronzite (dark brown with metallic light yellow cat's eye line). Has a perfect cleavage. Beige-brown with ocher reflections. Translucent. Bronzed submetallic luster. Melts more easily the higher the iron content. Unassailable by acids.

Hardness: 5 to 6 Density: 3.2 to 3.5

Deposits: Austria, South Africa, Burma, Sri Lanka, Madagascar.

Crystal system: Orthorhombic.





Bronzite is called both "focus stone" and "courtesy stone".

The ancient Romans used it in powder to protect against mental illness and mental confusion. It was like an effective treatment for strengthening the nerves. They also carried the stone as a protective amulet.

Its particular brilliance was greatly appreciated by the Greeks and the Romans. It was named bronzitis because of its bronze-like appearance.



Physical virtues:


Improves strength in the lower limbs. Stone which suits the legs well by its color. Also promote good blood circulation. Preventive of varicose veins.

Genitals: For men, relieves prostate problems and for women, regulates the menstrual cycle.

Reduces the acidity of the stomach. Regulates liver functions

Calming. Also relaxes tense muscles and calms muscle cramps.

Helps in the treatment of cysts and is also used to treat skin conditions such as rashes, pimples, and eczema.

In addition, fights premature aging and protects the skin from dehydration.



Psychic virtues:


Well-being. Tenderness in itself. Softness

Stone calm, restful, soothing anger, allowing to keep its self-control and thus to cross without problem the muddled and tense situations.

Placed on the Solar Plexus it would help people who are angry with each other to find friendship, provided of course that this is the life path of two people.

On the heart chakra, help to love your neighbor: it opens the heart.

Brings inner peace, eliminates stress, protects against depressive states on the psyche. If you suffer from psychological stress following a trauma, bronzitis can help to fade the effects of these memories and to accept.

Dispelling uncertainty can also help us take the necessary steps that are favorable for us, but with respect for others.

Provides access to change in a harmonious way.

It can also help predict, improve the ability to control our own life.



Chakras and use:


On the solar plexus to rebalance the energy of the stomach.

On the heart brings well-being and tenderness.





In salted distilled water.



Charge :


Under the sun.





Taurus, Libra, Gemini.

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