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Group of quartzites. Gray green quartz with mica inclusions giving a chrome color.


Silicon dioxide, SiO2.


Light green to sparkly golden brown.


Hardness 7. Density: 2.63 to 2.69.


There are several kinds of Aventurine:

- the most common green Aventurine.

- Blue Aventurine.

- Red or brown Aventurine (stone of attachment to the ground, of contact with reality).

- Orange Aventurine.


Deposits: Brazil, India, Russia (Urals)


Crystal system: Rhombic, rare in the state of crystals.





Aventurine was used for intaglio from the end of the III century BC around the Mediterranean, and was appreciated by the Chinese. Its name derives from the phrase "by adventure", understood in the sense of chance.

Formerly, it was used in the manufacture of utensils and bottles, and nowadays it is used to make small sculptures.



Physical virtues:


Beautification of the skin.

Acnes, eczema, allergies and impurities of the skin. For skin problems, dab with elixir, or drink and rub the infected parts of the skin (acne, eczema and redness). It also promotes the growth of potted plants (to place an Aventurine in the pot).

In children, it stimulates growth (to be placed on the heart chakra). By its gentle vibrations, it can solve the problems of the entire nervous system.

Eye disease. Hyphema (helps to reabsorb the blood in the eye).

Fights dandruff, hair loss.

Heart problems, prevention of infarction.

It promotes the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder, and restores any disorders.



Psychic virtues:


Interior tranquility and composure. Anti-stress effect.

Gives humor, cheerfulness and provides patience and tolerance. Acceptance. Solves emotional problems.

Autonomy, new ideas and concepts, enthusiasm.

Calms anger, reinforces self-control (to be placed on the throat chakra and / or solar plexus by adding a rose quartz), self-control.

Useful for overly excited children.

It is a stone that helps to make the right choices. Positive is also the cornerstone of creative prosperity.

On the coronal chakra, it allows us to perceive the love of our guides.



Chakra & use:




Heart, in elixir





Stone of prosperity.





Running water twice a month



Charge :


Often in the sun





Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer

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