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Variety of frequently colorless or white to gray anhydrite, sometimes bluish to pinkish but more often light blue in color, composed of natural calcium sulphate (CaSO4). Group of evaporites. It generally occurs in finely crystallized or granular mass. Well expressed crystals (short and tabular prismatic) are rare. It is easily recognized thanks to its three orthogonal cleavages, which give it a cubic appearance, and to its low density. They contain mineral salts soluble in water.

Hardness: 3-3.5.

Specific weight: 2.98.

Luster: glassy to pearly.

Transparency: transparent to translucent.

Break: any. (...). Density: 2.97.

Deposits: Peru. Santo Domingo. Great Britain, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Libya

Crystal system: orthorhombic, bipyramidal.





The name Angelite is recognized mineralogically, and it is reserved for the variety of minerals coming from Santo Domingo.



Physical virtues:


Inflammations of the throat. Thymus atrophied (allows to re-energize it). Balances the thyroid and parathyroid.

Her energy is feminine, tender and sweet. Promotes milk surges in young mothers and helps avoid postnatal depression.

For children who often cry at night, soothes and dispels their grief.

Relieves burns applied to them.

Help with rest.

Used against bone fractures, cavities, brittle nails and rheumatism. Favorable to recalcification, helps the growth of children

Applied to the feet, unblocks the meridians and energy pathways. Repairs tissues and blood vessels. Balances body fluids, acts as a diuretic (Useful for weight control).

Particularly related to the lungs and arms.

Weak hemoglobin: in this case to be placed on the Root chakra.



Psychic virtues:


Its name suggests sweet, humble qualities and symbolizes our pure childhood soul. Encourages and helps us to listen to subtle beings called angels or devas, according to our references.

Reassuring for babies in their room: brings a feeling of security.

Transforms and cures all psychic pain, facilitates the process of rebirth. Creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility, of security.

Helps us connect to universal knowledge, Akashic memories, increases awareness.

In elixir, promotes perception during channeling and meditation (application on the frontal chakra to open it). Help with telepathic communication.

On the psychological level, helps to assert one's own truth, whatever it may be.

Encourages to be more compassionate and accept the inevitable. Alleviate psychological pain and neutralize cruelty. On the mental level, helps with the understanding of astrology and mathematics.



Chakras and use:


Throat chakra (creative awareness, communication).

Maintain or place on the body as needed.



Special feature:


Powerful stone for therapists, because it increases harmonization and sharpens perception.





Protects the environment or the body: it constitutes a protective field around the place where it is placed.





Running water ; especially not to let it stagnate in the water.



Charge :







Aquarius, fish.

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