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Violet quartz crystal due to manganese, iron and titanium.


Silicon dioxide, SiO2.


Density 2.65. Hardness 7.


Color: From pale mauve to deep purple.


Deposits: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, Uruguay


Crystal system: Rhombohedral





"Violet has long been considered a royal color. Amethyst is one of the jewels of the British Crown. Catherine of Russia and the crowned heads of Egypt also had it in great favor.

Because the Amethyst was supposed to encourage celibacy and be a symbol of piety, it played an important role in the ornamentation of the Catholic Church and other Churches in the Middle Ages. It was, in particular, considered the stone of bishops, who still often wear rings adorned with an Amethyst. "

In Tibet, the amethyst is considered sacred in the eyes of the Buddha. They are commonly made malas (rosaries).

"The Greek word" amethystos "can be literally translated as" not drunk ". Amethyst was considered a powerful antidote against drunkenness. This is why it was often made into goblets. symbol of sobriety.

The legend which relates the origin of the Amethyst comes from Greek myths.

Dionysus, the god of drunkenness, was one day irritated by an insult, uttered by an ordinary man. He swore to take revenge on the next mortal who crossed his path. He created for this ferocious tigers, who were to fulfill his wish. But here came the innocent Amethyst, a young girl of great beauty, who was going to give thanks to the goddess Diane. Diane transformed it into a statue of pure crystalline quartz, to protect it from wild claws. Dyonisos, at the sight of this magnificent statue, shed tears of wine, which marked his remorse for his actions. The tears of the god tinted the quartz and thus created the gemstone we know today. "



Physical virtues:


Headaches, migraines, neuralgia, and all the pain and tension caused by nerves, stress.

Protects from insomnia and worries, nightmares, would prevent snoring.

Children: fits of anger and rage.

Helps in legasthenia, hysteria, anxiety neuroses, epilepsy and abnormal mental reactions.

Dizziness, eye and coordination problems.

Blood diseases, thromboses, edema (with Howlite, against adipose tissue and unsightly fat deposits).

Calm gastric pain following nervousness, contributes to the proper functioning of the liver.

Placed close to the wound, it helps to reduce burns.

It is still used to combat poisoning (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, coffee, etc.).



Psychic virtues:


Support of meditation, concentration and also of renouncement.

Wisdom and temperance.

In essence, the stone of wisdom and humility.

Promotes spiritual elevation, concentration and meditation.

Simulates imagination, creativity, clarity of mind, serenity.

Protect our spiritual relationships.

Facilitates friendships and creates justice.

Grant: consolation, strength, joy, courage, wisdom, good judgment.

Addictions, drug addiction, stage fright.

The Cacoxenite variety avoids bad hosts and disputes with neighbors.



Chakra & use:


Coronal, frontal. Heart, direct application. Sun, and elixir: Amethyst soothes anxiety and anger, allows a mental rebalancing, calms hysteria. Root.



Cleaning :


Running water 1 or 2 times / month.



Charge :


A bit of sun. Quartz heap.





Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Aquarius, Scorpio.

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